2009 Field Day

Longmont Amateur Radio Club

Field Day 2009


Location:  Old Thompson Park, Longmont, Colorado

Date:  27th June 2009

Five club members showed up about 9:30 am to help set up the antennas in the tall trees in this historic park in Old Town Longmont.  We had three stations, two with G5RV antennas, and one with a 20 m dipole.

We had 9 people present and operating consistently during the day.  A few others made appearances but did not get in a picture.  Sebastian, and others came by to see how it was going.


We made 107 contacts and totaled 550 points, 200 more points than we made in 2008.  We had a Red Cross official, Joe Callahan, make an appearance for a while; there were about 10 people who dropped by wondering who we were and what we were doing.  

Thanks to everyone who made this event happen.

Photos are in the following PDF file.

— Doug Altman, ke0si

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