Annual LARCFest – 2012 (Scroll down to view the flyer)
Many Thanks to Everyone who attended then LARCFest this year
and also to all the folks who helped in the Preparation and Planning
Everyone who helped in the Execution
This year’s event was a great SUCCESS !!!!
LARCFest 2012 flyer is ready for your information.
(Please scroll down to see the Flyer and pdf attachments for downloading the flyer and the Advanced Table Reservation form)
Wondering what to do while you are visiting Longmont?
Check out this website for all sorts of local information
Also find our entry in the Longmont Times Call Event Calendar under Special Events
Vendors are beginning to reserve tables. Click Here for a few pictures of the 2011 LARCFest
So far the following folks are planning to be at the Fest:
Radio Dan | | |
A-COMM | | |
Angela’s Creations | remobed broken link N0ouw 8/2020 | Angela creates great embroidery on hats and other clothing items |
RMHam | | John Maxwell and his team will be there to demo their state of the art communications trailer |
BCARES | | Will have a table full of ARES information as usual |
Dist 11 EC Allen Bishop | Plans to have his antenna trailer along with his land and aeronautical ATV robots on display | |
Southwest Antennas & Accesories | | Daryl from New Mexico with his normal large selection of antennas etc |
BARC Jr | BARC Jr Website | Ellie’s BARC Jrs will be in their usual spot in the Northwest corner |
YL Table | YLRL Removed broken link |
Doshia Kretke (KBONAS) will have all sorts of information for the YL organization |
Felton Designs | Felton Designs | Chuck plans to have an HF station operating at the fest |
S-Comm | S COMM | |
BEST BUY of Longmont | Longmont BEST BUY |
Renting a table this year to show off some of their latest new technology |
Michael Lowe | Mike will be here with 15 tables with of all kinds of computer and Deep Space gear | |
Sparkfun Electronics | | Be sure to check out this website. Cannot wait to see what goodies these folks will have. |
3D Printing | | The Loveland Co whose product we saw at the ARA Hamfest – Check it out !! |
ARRL Card Checker | Galen Steele (AG0A) Will try to make it – WX permitting – I have requested great WX | |
Ryan Electronics | Ryan Electronics | |
Up-A-Creek Robotics Club | | This competition robot building team of youngsters will be demonatrating their latest creations |
Arrow Antennas | |
Tim Chapman of Arrow Antennas in Cheyenne will be here |
Jim and Bonnie | For all those new hams that need a new Badge created | |
IRLP | N0PQV | Terry will be here demonstrating and answering questions about ILRP |
Paul Washa sends his regrets that he cannot make it to this year’s LARCFest due to family obligations but certainly plans to be here next year if at all possible. For those who might be interested in purchasing ARRL publications from him he can be reached at Paul Washa Books 4916 Thrre Points Blvd. Mound MN 55364-1245 He can also be reached at 952-472-3389 or by e-mail at [email protected]
Back Page of the Flyer