ARRL “On the Air” Magazine for New Hams! First Edition!

The new ARRL On the Air Magazine is now online & available for ARRL members!  It is geared for new/newer hams, and more experienced hams can learn and enjoy it too!  

Here is the link for it:

If you are not yet a member, join ARRL with our Club ARRL Application, which gives Longmont Amateur Radio Club a few dollars to help our club remain an affiliated club.  Get the ARRL Application below, fill it out, and bring it to any officer at the Club meetings or activities to get your LARC-related membership price, or if you prefer, you can mail it to LARC at P.O. Box 86, Longmont, CO, 80502.

If you are not yet a LARC member, you can use the application below for that also. You can fill this one out and either bring it to a club activity or mail it to the LARC address above, either alone or with the ARRL application.

Please note that these are separate memberships.


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