Call meeting to order: Jeremy WG9T, 07:xx pm MT

Officer and Committee Reports

  • Secretary: Sebastian NS0W,
  • Treasury: Dan W3ETA,
  • Technical Committee: Jim N0XDA,
  • VE Testing: Jim N0XDA,
  • Website: Sebastian NS0W,
  • Vice President: Bob – WA2EKU
  • President: Jeremy WG9T,

Old Business:

1. Wings of the Rockies request. Jim will do business cards.

2. Repeater programming – will work on that as soon as software install problem is solved.

3. Mass e-mail still has some errors – Dan will investigate.

New Business:

1. Sebastian proposes the following:

That the club allocate an amount of $500 as a prize to be drawn
in Sept 2009 from "credit" tickets. The $500 will be cash but the
winner is advised to spend it to explore a new field of Ham radio that
he / she might be interested in. This proposal is only for the year Oct
till Sept 2009 and have to be re-submitted again in Oct 2009.

Note: The reason why I came up with $500: It is affordable to the club
but still enough for a member to buy a starter HF rig – so I think that
is a happy medium.

The rules are:
1) Competition are open to club members only.
2) The winner will be determined by a "lottery" in Sept 2009 (at the
election meeting) and the winner has to be present to win.
3) The entries going into the hat to be drawn will be tickets with each
ticket being worth 10 credits.
4) Credits are loosely equivalent to number of hours spent on the
various club activities and the number of credits for a specific
activity has to be determined and published before the activity
5) All members will get the same amount of credits for a specific
activity irrespective of the actual time spent on site e.g. 5 credits
for field day if you spend between 1 and 24 hours at the site.
6) Board members are eligible for credits and the drawing but does not
get credit for board

Some suggestions (to be debated) for the credit values would be:

a) New members gets a joining bonus of 5 credits.
b) Each general meeting – 1 credit.
c) Field day 5 credits.
d) Picnic – 3 credits.
e) LarcFest duties – 5 credits

2. Storage locker for the club.

3. Tour De Cure – is the club going to support it?

Meeting adjourned: Jeremy WG9T, 08:35 pm MT


  1. President: Jeremy WG9T
  2. Treasurer: Dan Campbell W3ETA
  3. Secretary: Sebastian NS0W
  4. Technical: Jim Walker N0XDA
  5. VE Testing: Jim Walker N0XDA
  6. Website: Sebastian NS0W
  7. Ray Warren – W9LQM