Call meeting to order: Jeremy WG9T, 07:05:00 pm MST
Previous board meeting minutes read and approved.
Officer and Committee Reports
- Secretary: Sebastian NS0W – no report.
- Treasury: Dan W3ETA. Jeremy reported that Treasury report was posted to web. Fiscal year closed out.
- Membership Committee: Dean W6RFM – not present.
- Technical Committee: Jim N0XDA – have not taken rptr to Ft. Collins. $300 max spending.
- VE Testing: Jim N0XDA – Will have VE testing in Nov – just after Thanksgiving.
- Website: Jason – KC0MYJ, not present.
- Publicity: Mary KC9APG, not present.
- BCARES: Scott KC9APF, not present.
- Vice President: Bob WA2EKU, Space weather was done in October. He has a shareware presentation ready – in case.
- President: Jeremy WG9T – Treasury will be handed off soon, still checking mailbox, paid phone bill. Turkey trot – looks like there are enough folks to be able to cover the event. Need to appoint somebody for LarcFest.
Old Business (avoided in general meeting):
- Budget and audit still outstanding and inventory for insurance outstanding.
- Dues proposal. Old proposal reduced to: New licensees who contacts LARC will be granted club members for free for at least 6 months. Other stipulations dropped.
- Discussion on keeping the opening prayer – motion carried to drop the prayer.
New Business :
- November meeting to be dropped – night before Thanksgiving – meeting dropped.
- Jim Walker will investigate possibility of Christmas Party at Restaurant. Club will make some minor contribution towards the cost.
- Discussion on possibility of new building for LARC.
Meeting adjourned: Jeremy WG9T, 08:20 pm MT
- President: Jeremy WG9T
- Vice President: Bob Dornan WA2EKU
- Treasurer: Dan Campbell W3ETA
- Secretary: Sebastian NS0W
- Technical: Jim Walker N0XDA
- VE Testing: Jim Walker N0XDA