Meeting Minutes

LARC General Meeting Minutes – October 2013

LARC General Meeting Minutes – October 2013

I don’t recall creating any minutes of this meeting but I do recall the meeting.

We were still locked out of the clover building due to FEMA occupation of Fairground offices in support of the September flooding. We held the meeting in the Summit FourSquare church with the help of Curtis Anderson (N0HAU). This was the annual club election meeting that was postponed from September when we were unable to meet as normal. 

Jerry (N0OUW) presented a slide show of pictures that he took while on various BCARES assignments during the flood emergency. There was a lot of discussion among the members present about the impact of the flood.

The club elections were held by outgoing President and repeater Trustee, Jim Walker (N0XDA). The new slate of officers elected were Jerry Schmidt (N0OUW) president, Sebastian Wessels (NS0W) Vice President, Starr Aldridge (KD0BZK) Secretary, and Don Lewis (KE0EE) Treasurer.

Finally submitted on 12/08/2013 by Jerry (N0OUW)