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CQ Magazine offers free issues —
On March 19th, CQ Magazine announced the following:
In view of the “stay at home and flatten the curve” recommendations from the health experts during this worldwide pandemic, CQ would like to give everyone the opportunity to escape the news alerts for a brief period and enjoy the hobby they love through the pages of CQ!
View the March and April issues of CQ magazine at no charge! It’s easy, simply send an E-mail to FreeIssues@cq-amateur-radio.com and we’ll send you the March issue now and the April issue on April 1st!
Take advantage of this opportunity to read CQ – free of charge – and keep connected with the latest trends and activities in amateur radio!
Stay home . . stay well!
1st HF Contacts and Dipole Trimming
Note: by downloading and opening the .ppt file you will be able to see notes under each slide
<p><strong><span style=”color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;”>The buttons below can be used for the Prepayment of <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>table reservations</span> as well as <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>admissions</span>. </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=”color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;”>When viewing the cart there will be options to select both the number of tables and admission desired.</span></strong></p><p><span style=”color: #000000; font-size: small;”><strong>(after selecting one choice, selecting ‘continue shopping’ will return to this screen for additional selections)</strong></span></p><p><span style=”color: #000000; font-size: small;”><strong>(Some browsers may ask if you want to close the tab, the correct answer will be to select Yes)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p><span style=”font-size: x-large;”><strong>Advance Admissions $5.00</strong></span> [block:block=10]</p><p> </p><p><strong> <span style=”font-size: x-large;”>Vendor Table $15.00</span></strong> [block:block=8]</p><p> [block:block=9]</p><p> </p><p><span style=”font-size: medium;”>You will receive an E-mail confirmation of your purchase.</span></p><p><span style=”font-size: medium;”>See you at the Fest !!</span></p><p> </p>
We will be operational for Winter Field Day on January 25th, at the Clover Building at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm. We’ll be setting up the antennas at 11:00 am. There will be two-three radios there, including a Icom IC-7300 and an IC-7000, and we’ll be making as many contacts as we can during that time on HF. If you’d like to try your hand on the radio to see how many contacts you can get (with Elmers/mentors there to show you how), or if you’d like to hang out and visit (quietly) with other hams there, please join us!
If you would like to have a specific half-hour long slot on one of these radios, plese send email to Doug, KE0SI.
For more information about Winter Field Day and to see the rules, go to: https://www.winterfieldday.com/.
The new ARRL On the Air Magazine is now online & available for ARRL members! It is geared for new/newer hams, and more experienced hams can learn and enjoy it too!
Here is the link for it:
If you are not yet a member, join ARRL with our Club ARRL Application, which gives Longmont Amateur Radio Club a few dollars to help our club remain an affiliated club. Get the ARRL Application below, fill it out, and bring it to any officer at the Club meetings or activities to get your LARC-related membership price, or if you prefer, you can mail it to LARC at P.O. Box 86, Longmont, CO, 80502.
If you are not yet a LARC member, you can use the application below for that also. You can fill this one out and either bring it to a club activity or mail it to the LARC address above, either alone or with the ARRL application.
Please note that these are separate memberships.
If you have ideas, sugggestions, and/or skills you would be willing to share with us, we need volunteers from the Club for different tasks. Not necessarily all at the LARCFest — even just helping get it all together in advance. You can also pick time slots that you’d be willing to help at the event — even a two-three hour time slot on Saturday, 4/4, would be very helpful for us to put on a successful hamfest. What can you do? Contact John Parsons (KE0DO) with what skills and/or time slots you can help with. Read on to see!
We need people to help with publicity, social media, table set-up & take down, marketing, and a multitude of other skills that YOU probably have. Please donate some of your skills and/or time to pull this off for our Club! This is our largest event of the year, and we need as many hands as we can get to assist us!
Contact John Parsons (KE0DO) with any info about what skills you have and/or can offer to help with the planning or running of this event!
LARC has a new Technician Class (beginner level) beginning on Monday, January 20th at the Niwot Fire Station. This class will last three weeks, with classes on Monday & Thursdays from 6-9 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The accompanying Licensing Exam will be on Saturday, February 8th, at 1:30 pm.
For more information and/or to register, click on the Education link on the left, and then on the Technician Class.
I came across information about a “Turkey Day Net” on qrz.com (https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/turkey-day-net-tdn-2019.677706/). If you want to get away from visiting relatives for a bit, perhaps try seeing if you can reach them!
Looks like they start at 1600 UTC (9am Mountain) and are on the following frequencies (+/- if already in use): 10m-28.450, 15m-21.310, 20m-14.245, 40m-7.200
They will be posting updates on the above URL, so check there for more info.
If you don’t have an HF radio, you can always try listening on one of the free web-based SDRs! Check out https://sdr.hu/ and http://websdr.org/ for receivers located around the world.
You can also just try reaching out on the LARC repeaters (including via Echolink), to see if anyone’s around.
Happy Thanksgiving!