Club Events

Ham Radio / Boy Scout Net

Ham Radio / Boy Scout Net

Goerge Weber (KA0BSA) announced a newly established Denver Area net geared toward Ham Radio and Boy Scouts

The net meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 19:30 Hrs (7:30) on 449.450   103.5   

Thanks to RMRL (Rocky Mountain Radio Relay League) for the use of their repeater.

This repeater provides very wide coverage in the Denver and surrounding area from the top of Squaw Mountain.

If not already, there are plans for this repeater to be accessible by DMR, All-Star, Fusion, and other modes that will enable participation from all over the US and possilby the world.

Be sure to check it out………….   More Info Below

1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. The net is also carried on Allstar (46079), DMR Talkgroup 310847 (and RMRL DMR repeater 449.750 Time slot 1) and Fusion Room “DENVERSKYHUBLINK”.




Field Day is Coming Soon! Get Ready!

LARC will participate in the ARRL Field Day June 22 and 23rd.  Please sign up to help, and or drop by to observe or make contacts on the radio. 

Our annual Field Day Event is open to the public, and we encourage everyone to bring friends & relatives over to see what we’re doing and to join us!

Antenna setup begins at 9:30 am, and we get on the air at 12:00 noon, running for 24 hours in shifts through 12:00 noon on Sunday.

We usually have a digital station, a CW station, and of course several SSB stations.  Check out the Field Day link at the top of this page. 

A Fox Hunt will be starting at 1:30 pm, with starting times every half hour through 4:00 pm, to be finished at 4:30 pm. 

The cooking for a Bar-B-Q will begin at 5:00 pm.

For more information, click on the Field Day in the top menu bar, or go to

First LARC Emergency Exercise – Scheduled for May 18

First LARC Exercise – Scheduled for May 18

Our first LARC emergency exercise is scheduled for Saturday, May 18 at 7:00 PM. The exercise will start promptly at 7:00, to participate you must start by calling into the LARC repeaters (they will be linked). Starting with Net Control (K2RAS), we will take a roll call for the exercise and will provide detail instructions for the event.  Net Control will (hopefully) remain on the repeaters for the duration of the exercise to answer any questions.
Note that two or more members can use a single radio, but each member must make their own contacts. Contacts must be made over the air to another radio, (Internet connections cannot be used in Winlink).  Also, points will only be awarded for contacts between stations acknowledged on the roll call.  All contacts must be made during the exercise.

All activity must be completed by 8:00PM (1 hour for the total exercise).  The following points can be earned (in any order) by participants:



Running your radio (and computer) on battery power for the entire exercise 5 points
Using the LARC GOBOX 5 points
VHF voice contact with Net Control 1 point
VHF Packet Winlink email sent (each 2-way QSO) 1 point
VHF Packet peer-to-peer email sent (each 2-way QSO) 1 point
HF Packet email sent (each 2-way QSO) 1 point
HF Packet peer-to-peer email sent (each 2-way QSO) 1 point

No final roll call will be made.  If you used Winlink for the exercise the final Winlink email should be to Net Control (K2RAS in this exercise). It should list all the contacts made (both the sending and receiving station), and the mode of contact. Also mention any other points earned (being off-grid, using the GOBOX…) If you are not using Winlink, simply email any required details to Net Control at  It is not necessary to confirm the initial check-in contact with Net Control if you were acknowledged during the event.

Good luck…