Club Events

LARCFest 2018 – Starting Point for planning this year’s event


1/7/2018 – Jerry updated the Mastrer Plan fter the board meeting in January

12/7/18  –  Jerry Added the Master Plan spreadsheet file to this page.  Proposed Budget is in the second Tab


LARCFest 2018 – Starting Point for planning this year’s event  

This Page is set to be Editable by Board Members and NOT viewable by anonymous users

Jerry Created this page to provide a common spot for all contributors to the eventual public LARCFest web Page to be used in our advertising

Link To NCARC Hamfest Site for ideas   Link to ARA Hamfest site for ideas.

Board has decided that a Flyer is needed for this year’s event –  (So we can pass out event details at the NCARC (Jan) and ARA Events (Feb)

Jeff has volunteered to build the Flyer this year – Plan is to include Hamfest and Craft Fair together in advertising.

Larry is looking into Google ADWORDS for target advertising via the web

I uploaded all the files from Bryan to use for ideas…. Thanks Bryan…..

I need to ask Larry to remove the right side navigation material from this page…. maybe he can teach us how to do it… if we have the power 


Edge of Space Science (EOSS) – Presentation @ Nov Gen Meeting


We are pleased to announce that EOSS will be presenting at our November General Meeting.  Edge of Space Sciences (EOSS) is a Denver, Colorado based non-profit that explores science using amateur radio positioned on high altitude balloons.  EOSS flew balloons carrying radios during the recent solar eclipse.  This should be an interesting conversation from a number of perspectives.

New Shortened Technician Class Starts Thursday, Nov. 2!

Our last Technician License Preparation Class for 2017 begins on Thursday, November 2nd, at 6:00 pm at the Niwot Fire Station.  If you or anyone you know might be interested in getting your beginner-level Amateur Radio License before the holidays, this is the class for you!  

This class offers the same material as our other Technician classes, with 24 hours of training.  However, it will be condensed over a 9-day period using weeknights and two Saturdays, so you can get licensed without as much time committment as our usual month-long classes.  We will cover exactly the same things that our normal class offers.  

Get more information and/or register today by clicking on the Education link on the left to reserve one of the seven seats left!

Oct Meeting – Workshop to test HT Antennas

In October we will have a workshop to test the performance of our HT antennas using an antenna analyzer and forward/reverse watt meter.  

So, please bring your HT and get tested!

September General Meeting – Live night of HF activity

This month Ron Schwartz (K2RAS) will provide the group a LIVE night of HF activity using a Flex 6500 SDR radio.  The SDR will provide visual examples of different digital, CW, and voice transmission modes on different bands.  Examples of real-time effects of filters, and noise mitigation will also be covered.  Members will be able to try HF contacts around the world, conditions permitting.  Don’t miss this exciting evening.