Club Events

LARC Repeater is on the move

Since I am unable to ker-chunk the repeater today, that tells me that the plan for removing the antennas from the Fire Station has occured as planned. 

The current plan is to now move the repeater(s) to the Justice Center and the target for completion is by End of Day tomorrow.

I will posat any further progess update here as I get them..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jerry 



LARC Repeater Problems

After quite a period of reasonable usage of the LARC VHF repeater, the intermod problem has returned with a vengeance in the past few days.

As a result we were unable to participate in a county wide BCARES propogation test this past Monday and also were unable to hold our weekly net tonite.

We did conduct the net tonite on the UHF repeater.  Steps are in progress to get the VHF machine back on the air as soon as possible. Until then, use it if it’s working and if not, switch to the UHF machine on 448.800 with a + offset and an 88.5 Hz tone.

April Club Meeting Presentation

This month’s presentation will be a discussion of the RMHAM Colorado microwave linked DMR system by Joey Stanford (NV0N).

This months meeting is on April 19, always the third Wednesday of the month, at 7:00PM in the Clover Building at the Boulder Country Fairgrounds in Longmont.  Come early to meet members and get a good seat.

March Club Meeting Presentation

This month’s presentation will provide an overview of Digital Voice radio with an emphasis on the worldwide D-STAR system, particularly on using the system with a personal access point device (a.k.a., hotspot). We’ll take a look at solutions that can be used in the shack and on the road.  This months meeting is on March 15, always the third Wednesday of the month, at 7:00PM in the Clover Building at the Boulder Country Fairgrounds in Longmont.  Come early to meet members and get a good seat.

LARCFest 2017 Door Prize Details


LARCFest 2017 Door Prize Details


For the past couple years we have tried to generate some interest in the LARCFest by selecting one or two

really nice radios for our top prizes. This year we plan to offer HRO gift certificates for our top four prizes so

they can choose the Radio or other Amateur Radio gear they might want.


The top door prize this year will be a $750 gift Certificate for the winner to use to shop at our HRO sponsor

in addtition

There will be three more HRO Gift Certificates along with many other door prizes drawn during the FEST





Repeater 101

Repeater !01

Presentation by James Cizek at the LARC February 2017 General Meeting

Announcing the LARC Mentoring Program

We are pleased to announce the release of the LARC Mentoring Program.  The program will assist members less familiar with radio operation to get on the air and build confidence in their radio abilities.  Mentors can also assist members on technical issues such as radio and equipment setup, and antenna configuration.  

LARC members interested in advancing their knowledge by learning new digital modes or moving from local VHF to HF and DX activities should take advantage of this learning opportunity.  Mentors will be matched based upon interests and knowledge level.

The mentoring program is available to all active members of LARC.  Anyone interested in being mentored or in becoming a mentor should contact Ron Schwartz at