Club Events

LARCFest 2018 Forum Details

LARCFest 2018 Forum Details



10:00 CERT Emergency Response

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.

11:00 Tinkermill Makerspace

TinkerMill is the largest makerspace / hackerspace in Colorado and the surrounding Rocky Mountain region. It’s a place where like-minded people interested in art, technology, science and business can collaborate on creative projects, share tools. learn, teach, make things, prototype new ideas, products and services, start ventures, meet new people and share knowledge.

12:00 National Traffic System (NTS)

The NTS is an organized network of amateur radio operators for the purpose of relaying messages. The NTS is most useful during emergencies when telecommunications infrastructure such as cell phone and land line telephone are inoperative. The CTN is an officially recognized NTS net which is sponsored by The American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

February Club Meeting Presentation

This month’s club meeting will feature a presentation by James Cizek titled ‘Repeaters 101’.  The presentation should be of interest to members, particularly considering our recent challenges with our 2M repeater.  This months meeting is on Feb 15, always the third Wednesday of the month, at 7:00PM in the Clover Building at the Boulder Country Fairgrounds in Longmont.  Come early to meet members and get a good seat. 

Repeater Update

The club’s 2M and UHF repeaters were both moved last year to Longmont Firestation #4 near Main St and Hwy 66 in North Longmont.  Shortly after the repeater activation, intermod was observed on the 2M repeater (the UHF repeater has experienced no intermod at the new location).  The intermod generally begins with a squelch tail, but in some cases can start without a transmission.  The intermod may be related to temperature since the intensity and number of occurrences has lessened with cool temperatures this fall and winter.  
As many of our members know, we are actively working to resolve the intermod.  Resolving the issue is challenging since we have restricted access to our antennas and coax runs due to fire station security restrictions.  A list of some of the investigation steps taken to date is provided below.


LARCFest 2017 Vendors Registered

Check out this page frequently to see who has signed up for the event this year


Call Name Items for Sale                                                                                                   
  Angela’s Creations Angela will have her Embroidery Machine there to add your callsign to your Ham Radio wearables                       
  RMHAM Rocky Mountain Ham will be there to demonstrate their latest version of mobile emergency communication gear 
K0NTS Colorado Traffic Net These folks will have their table and will also be presenting in one of the Forum time slots
W0UM / AF0W LARC Amateur License Classes Checkout the details of upcoming Amateur Radio License education opportunities
  Indian Peaks Radio Club  
N0NYQ Andrew Kawamoto  
  ArctCraft Electronics  
W7DZK-N7KOH-K0GS Pual Humberson  
AC0KC Robert Gallahan  

Greg Dunn

WH6MS Mike Smith   
KC0DGM Klaus P Malsch  
BARC Jrs   As usual in the NorthWest corner of the Exhibit building
Intermountain Repeater Group KD0YMG Jed Baer
PPRAA AF0S Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association
N7CTM Mark Skelton  
  RDR Electronics  
KE0LNS Brian Bell  
WD0CNN Don Carroll Genco INC
  Bradley Schlichenmayer  
AC0XQ Wendy & Mark Kuligowski  
N7JT Jerry Tastad  
KBOVJL Ron Brewer  
N0KEI Sam Chrisbins  Radios-n-Stuff
  Tom Mankowski  
AF9O Eugene Colton  
  Charles Miller   
  John Gleason  
WU7G Jim Bresnan  
KE0HFH Mike Vespoli   
N0UN L2 / Ham Supply  My Ham Radio DX Blog
KD7SU Ronald Bjork  
  Smiling Dog Systems  
  Keith Schuett  
  Susan Bano  
  Jim and Bonnie Have your callsign engraved on a BADGE

PayPal Checkout completed



PayPal Checkout Complete


Thank You for your support of the Longmont Amateur Radio Club


You will receive an email from PayPal confirming the purchase

LARCFest 2019 Payment

The buttons below can be used for the Prepayment of table reservations as well as admissions.

When viewing the cart there will be options to select both the number of tables and admission desired.

(after selecting one choice, selecting ‘continue shopping’ will return to this screen for additional selections)

(Some browsers may ask if you want to close the tab, the correct answer will be to select Yes)


Advance Admissions  $5.00       [block:block=10]


Vendor Table             $15.00     [block:block=8]



You will receive an E-mail confirmation of your purchase.

See you at the Fest !!


LARCFest 2020 – Vendor Details

LARCFest 2020 – Vendor Details

Admission $5.00

1 Table w/chair (Pre-Paid by Monday March 29th)  $15.00

At the door on the day of the event   $20.00

Setup available Friday April 3rd 4PM-7PM and on Saturday April 4th starting at 6:30 AM


Pre-Payment Options


Print and mail the Advanced Table Reservation Form below

– or –

Use  Pay Pal by clicking HERE

(confirmation e-mail will be sent in either case) 


Happy New Year from the President – Starr Aldrich (N0AES)


To all Longmont Amateur Radio Club Members (LARC) we wish you a Happy New Year and hope 2017 brings many new Ham Radio opportunities to all.  We look forward to a lot of FUN activities this year and hope to see many new Ham Radio operators getting more involved with the club. 

There are many committees and activities the new members can be involved with.  Any of the standing committees (Technical, Membership, Planning, Publicity) can use help if you have the interests.  There is the Solder Sniffers that you can become involved with to work on your own project, help others with their project, ask technical questions or work with test equipment.  There are the service projects we work on (Turkey Trot, various parades and even the Field Day).

We will be working on the meeting presentations so if you have a topic you are interested in, let Ron Schwartz (K2RAS) know.  We are also looking for brief (10-15-minute tech talk) technical presentation at the beginning of the meeting which if you have something you would like to share, again, let Ron know.

This is your club so please be involved as much as you can.  We still need someone to become the Technical Committee Chairperson.  The chairperson is a Board Member and Ron Schwartz is filling in right now.  If you have a question on what is involved in the position, contact Ron Schwartz or me.  Maybe you can start as a Technical Committee member first.  One of the things we need from the Technical Committee is to help the Board establish a technical plan for the next few years. 

I want to thank everyone that participated in the 2016 activities, meetings and events.  Without your support we could not serve our community with the radio support needed during any emergencies or special events they need us for.

I am looking forward to meeting you all at the LARC meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm, Clover building of the Boulder County Fairgrounds.  Also please feel free to participate in the Monday night nets.  Make sure you contact any Board Member to express your interests and questions on Club activities and needs.

Again, Happy New Year and may 2017 bring opportunities to everyone.


Starr Aldrich N0AES – President LARC