Club Events

LARCFest 2017

Don’t listen to any rumors about the weather changing our plans.

The LARCFest is alive and well and folks are setting up in the Exhibit building right now. 

Check out the Vendor details HERE

Who will be here this year?  Check THIS LINK often to see who is attending

Forum Information will be posted HERE as they are confirmed

Door Prize information will be posted HERE as they are confirmed


The flyer below has an error on the time for the VE Session – It will start at 10:00 AM

LARCFest 2017 Flyer – View it here online and/or download and print using the .pdf file just below the flyer

Interested in Getting Your Extra Class License?

Are you interested in upgrading your license to Extra Class?  Check out the information on the Education link.  If you are serious about passing your test, take our Survey and/or pre-register for our class to show your interest!

Register for the Winter Technician License Preparation Class!

Our new Technician License Preparation Class starts Tuesday, January 31st! Click on the Education link on the left to register for this class.  Tell all your friends & relatives who aren’t licensed yet that now is the time to jump into the hobby.  Register today and become a licensed ham operator! 


Happy Thanksgiving From the Chapter President

I want to take this opportunity to which all our Amateur Radio family a Happy Thanksgiving.  May you all have a wonderfull time with family and friends enjoying the dinners and fellowship of the season.  

We will not be having our Thursday night net, on Thanksgiving day, so everyone can enjoy the day.  

We want to thank everyone for their support over the year and are thankful that we have this great community of members and friends supporting our hobby and are always there to support others in need.  Thank you everyone.

Starr Aldrich – N0AES

President – LARC

Field Day – 2016

r— We had two field events in 2016 —

1) Annual ARRL Field Day in June.  For 2016, we  once again, for the second year, operated a 24-hour Field Day from the (air-conditioned!) clubhouse at the Izaak Walton Park in Longmont on June 25th and 26th.  

2) We helped celebrate the 147th annual Boulder County Fair, with a Special Event Station at Thompson Park.  It was attended by a dozen club members who worked 75 stations the afternoon of August 6th.

 See PDF file at the bottom of this page.  The file is full of pictures from the event, contacts made, map of contacts, etc.  Enjoy.  Join us in 2017.