Club Events

Field Day – 2016

r— We had two field events in 2016 —

1) Annual ARRL Field Day in June.  For 2016, we  once again, for the second year, operated a 24-hour Field Day from the (air-conditioned!) clubhouse at the Izaak Walton Park in Longmont on June 25th and 26th.  

2) We helped celebrate the 147th annual Boulder County Fair, with a Special Event Station at Thompson Park.  It was attended by a dozen club members who worked 75 stations the afternoon of August 6th.

 See PDF file at the bottom of this page.  The file is full of pictures from the event, contacts made, map of contacts, etc.  Enjoy.  Join us in 2017.

2008 field day (4)

Field Day – 2008

Field Day – 2008

Location:  Thompson Park, Longmont, Colorado

Times: On air Saturday from noon until about 6:30


Thursday Night Net Script

Please note that the Script has been updated recently (5/29/2018)

Removed references to linking and unlinking (repeaters are to stay linked at all times for normal operation)

Also added text for dividing check-ins into groups to help avoid doubles during checkin. 

LARC Thursday Night Net

LARC Thursday Night Net

When you are ready to signup for NCS  CLICK HERE 

The club currently hosts an informal net on the clubs VHF and UHF Repeaters

Every Thursday evening at 8 PM Local time

(except for the rare holiday – and maybe even then)


The purpose of the Net, other than to exercise the repeaters, is to provide information concerning the activities of the club for our membership
as well as all Amateur Radio Operators in our coverage area.   


This is a good time to exercise your radios, to make sure they are fully operational and working as designed, getting acquainted with members  and other hams in the area. It is also a great place
to get answers to your radio operating questions and maintain proficiency in 
net operations so we can be ready to support our community in times of emergency.


The current Net Manager is Jerry Schmidt (N0OUW), and I can be reached by e-mail by clicking on my name.

Acting as Net Control, as well as the protocol for participating in a controlled net, is a valuable skill to learn and anyone who would like to give this activity a try should contact Jerry. 

Have a look at our current ‘suggested’ script   (new as of 5/29/2018)