DOUs with the city of Longmont
The Facility Use Agreement was created and signed in December of 2015 to document the City’s authorization for LARC (Longmont AMateur Radio Club) to locate the club’s repeater and antennas at Fire Station #4 in Longmont
The LARC Donation Agreement serves to document the fact that LARC does indeed own all the equipment specified in the document. This was needed because there was no documentation to be found, either by the City of Longmont or LARC as to having permission for our repeater installation at the Skyline Water tank location.
These documents are the result of negotiations between the City of Longmont and LARC that took place from 2014 through 2015 due to the city’s request that our repeater and antenna be removed from this site. The reason stated was that FEMA or Homeland Security Grants, to upgrade the facility, hinged upon there being no civilian access to the city water pumping facility.
The 2016 BCARES MOU serves to document the relationship between LARC and the BCARES organization
As the current President of the club, I maintain a copy of these documents on my personal PC under Documents > Amateur Radio > LARC > Secretary Files.
Jerry Schmidt (NØOUW)