Club Events

New Repeater Antennas

Former repeater

The picture below represents the repeater antenna structure as it was initially installed on the Skyline water tank in 1978.

New coax and antennas were installed at the repeater site much more recently, possibly around 2008 or 2009.

New Repeater Antennas

More pictures can be seen here.


Club presentation Feb 2009 – Kit Building

We had a great presentation by Leonard Leeper, KC0WOX. For those who have missed a great meeting or simply want to refer back to Leonard’s great presentation – here is is again.

Click on the attachment below to view the presentation.



The January club presentation was done by W0DZ, the owner of dzkit


Brian mentioned that, apart from his own kits, he also carries Alpha-Delta antennas and switches, Kent keys, Outbacker antennas, Heil mics and ARRL publications at 10% below list. His area sales tax is only 3.7% and you can drive up to Loveland and pick it up and save shipping.

LarcFest 2008-1

LarcFest 2008

LarcFest was a huge success – Thanks to all!

LarcFest 2008-1

Doors open. 

I have to get that bargain! 

The ticketmasters 


Grumpy old men. 

Brian and Ellie. 


Not so grumpy old men. 

Xmas Party 2007 - 1

Christmas Party 2007

Christmas Party 2007 at Leenies:

Xmas Party 2007 - 1

Bob entertaining Millard

Xmas Party 2007 - 2

Ginny and Jim, left with Ken on the right.

Xmas Party 2007 - 4


Xmas 2007 - 5

Dean giving stuff away.

Xmas 2007 - 6

Wow – a CB!

Xmas 2007 -7

That is a cool CB!

Xmas 2007 - 8

Cool HF Antenna for small spaces

Chris, K8CRM, brought my attention to this antenna. It seems to be very compact and is getting rave reviews on e-ham. As with all compact antennas, it is probably somewhat of a compromise and I would have liked to see radiation patterns and F/B ratio to know if it is worthwhile to mount it on a rotor.

As we all know, if you want a no-compromise HF antenna and have a checkbook and real estate to match, get a SteppIr.


9/18/07 (5:00 pm MT)
Ward (K6CCH) was traveling through the area on highway 36 toward Estes Park (St. Vrain at mm15) when he came across a Mini Van that was down a 30ft embankment. One victim was trapped underneath the vehicle, there was another one outside the vehicle and 3 walking wounded. He then called Ray (W9LQM) who was monitoring the Longmont Repeater (147.270) to ask for help to get police, fire and medical on scene. Agencies responded from Lyons, Pinewood Springs, Longmont Emergency Unit, Air-Life, 911 (out of Greeley), Boulder County Sheriff and the Colorado State Patrol. Ed (KB0TVH) listened to the HAM, VHF and 800 frequencies while teaching a student – James. James then said that he was monitoring the Longmont Repeater 147.270 TO see if he could help.
Frequencies for call:
154.220 FIRE
153.785 Air-Life 911
154.415 red 3
155.145 GREEN
Submitted by Ed (KB0TVH)