Club Events

LARC PVET Exam Session Sunday 7/17

LARC is sponsoring a FREE Patriot VE Exam Session this coming Sunday, July 17th, at 9:00 am.

If you would like to join us, please pre-register at:

This session is being held at the Professional Building in Longmont, at 350 Terry Street, 80501, UPSTAIRS in the Onyx Room. You may take this exam on your tablet or your laptop, in-person with us.

Ned Gravel Race Ham Radio Support Video

Our big brother/big sister club, the Indian Peaks Radio Club, put a call out for help for amateur radio support for the Ned Gravel Race. As usual, it was a great time and I’m thankful they let me help. I made a short video which is on YouTube at:

LARC ARRL Field Day Video

While everyone else was playing radio, I was walking around with my GoPro recording the sights and sounds of a wonderful 2 days of ham radio. Here is the video from YouTube.

Field Day 2022

Message from Dick – KE0VT – Field Day Coordinator
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Field Day set up begins at 8:00am on Saturday, take down begins at noon on Sunday. There are plenty of operating spots still open on both 20 and 40M at the club stations, need loggers as well. We will have radios on 6, 10,15, 20 and 40M. If YOU are into satellite work we are allowed one contact on FM satellite for 100 extra points and if you will be there to do that let me know. Operators of 6, 10 and 15 need ops too!

Looks like probable rain on Saturday. We will have a tent to duck into. Rain is predicted Sunday but most likely will happen after we are shut down..

Last call for social pot luck, let me know for sure by noon on Thursday if you will be participating. Of course you are welcome to just come to the social if that is all you wish to do. We will have brats, sausages and hot dogs with fixin’s. We need other items.

If you are participating in Field Day from home be sure to list Longmont Amateur Radio Club on your log info so we can get credit for points and send me a copy of the log to Dick Paige, 4832 Silverleaf Ave., Firestone, CO 80504-5732. I will need your info by 7/10/22.

If you have kids or grandkids we can have up to 5 (under 18 years old) that make a contact for extra points. More can participate but only 5 will give us 100 extra points.

I would like to have volunteers for talk in on Saturday and Sunday mornings on our repeaters. You can do it from the Fairgrounds or from home. Call me if you wish to do this, 720-220-1931.

We will be using the club call, W0ENO. A reminder that you must operate on your own licensed frequencies, Generals, Advanced and Extra. Technicians too but if there is a higher class licensee they will be the control operator and using their privileges. Any unlicensed participants must not contact any DX stations except Canada, that is 3rd party and is illegal. The US has 3rd party agreements with other countries but I do not know which ones so play it smart and safe and just not allow 3rd party contacts.

It appears that conditions may be very good so let’s have a lot of fun this weekend!


Dick Paige, coordinator

NASA on the Air

General Meeting Videos Uploaded

Recordings of the February, March, April and May LARC general meeting presentations have been made available on YouTube. You can find them under the LARC YouTube channel, or on the club web page by clicking on Meeting Presentations under the LARC History menu drop-down.

Presentation topics include: BCARES, SkyHub Link System, Air Force MARS, and NASA on the Air.

LARC Field Day 2022

ARRL Field Day is 6/25-6/26, noon to noon. Please join us!

We need set-up and take down help, operators, and loggers.
Operators get 2-hour shifts, and several are already filled. We will be operating on the air for 24 hours straight.

Where?  Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont, 80501. We’ll e set up on the southwest corner, bordered by Nelson Road and Hover. Come in from the western-most entrance from Nelson onto Fairgrounds Lane, and turn right into the first parking lot. Walk across the lane to the pavilion.

Bring a friend or two. Bring someone under 18 and let them make a contact — it will count for extra points for us!

What else is happening? We are having a pot luck BBQ at 5:00 pm. LARC brings the meats and buns. Hotdogs, sausages, and brats will be served along with a variety of fixings. Bring another dish/side to go with them! Please RSVP if you intend to join us for our BBQ — RSVP to Dick, KE0VT, at

We will have enough higher class control operators so everyone, Tech, General and/or Extra Class can operate on HF. Visitors do not even have to be licensed to get on the air (but they are NOT allowed to work any DX)! We are hopeful some elected officials will stop by, also.

Come operate, log, or just visit and enjoy the social time — but show up. It’ll will be great FUN, and you’ll get to meet and visit with other members of our club, and to experience using different radios and antennas!

UltraPico Keyer

NCARC Kit Building Event – Sat June 11

The Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (NCARC) is hosting a “Rosin Core Event” where participants will be building their own UltraPico Keyer Morse code keyer (

The cost is $30 and all kit and soldering materials will be provided (but you are welcome to bring your own equipment if you want). The event will be held Saturday, June 11th – there are still slots available at the 1:00pm – 3:00pm session.

Not an NCARC member? Don’t worry – non members are welcome to attend!

For more details, see their club web page at:

ARRL VE Exam Session, Saturday, 6/25

An ARRL VE Exam Session will be held on Saturday, April 25th, at 10 am. It will be at the Professional Building, 350 Terry Street, Longmont, on the 2nd floor in the Onyx Room.

As it is an ARRL test session, a $15 fee applies to take the exam(s). You can take all levels of the exam, but to retake any of the same exam, another $15 fee applies.

For more information, go to the Licensing/Testing link under the Education tab, or click on this direct link:

The size of the room is limited, so it’s advised that you pre-register, but walk-ins are welcome as well.

Please use the Contact Form to notify our VEs of your intent to attend the session.  Include your phone number so we can notify you of any last-minute changes or weather cancellations of the exam session.


The Longmont Amateur Radio Club is holding two FREE License Exam Sessions TOMORROW, SUNDAY, MAY 15th. There are still seats available in both sessions!

The first one is at 9:00 am, and the second one is at 10:30 am, at the Professional Building, 350 Terry Street, zip 80501.

You may bring your tablet or laptop on which to take this exam, or you may take it on paper as well.

Pre-registration is preferred at; walk-ins are allowed as well.


New Net Starting!

A revived 6 meter net, the “Donald Duck” net is starting on Mondays at 6:30 pm local time at 50.160 Mhz.

Check-ins and discussions of interest to 6M enthusiasts are the main topics.

Dick Paige, KE0VT, will be the net control.

Mondays that are holidays there will be no net, unless someone else wishes to conduct the net in my stead. Volunteers accepted!

The net will begin today, Monday, May 2nd. Hams with new or renewed interest in working 6 meters are encouraged to participate.

Hope to see YOU on “The Magic Band”!
Dick Paige KE0VT