Message from Dick – KE0VT – Field Day Coordinator
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Field Day set up begins at 8:00am on Saturday, take down begins at noon on Sunday. There are plenty of operating spots still open on both 20 and 40M at the club stations, need loggers as well. We will have radios on 6, 10,15, 20 and 40M. If YOU are into satellite work we are allowed one contact on FM satellite for 100 extra points and if you will be there to do that let me know. Operators of 6, 10 and 15 need ops too!
Looks like probable rain on Saturday. We will have a tent to duck into. Rain is predicted Sunday but most likely will happen after we are shut down..
Last call for social pot luck, let me know for sure by noon on Thursday if you will be participating. Of course you are welcome to just come to the social if that is all you wish to do. We will have brats, sausages and hot dogs with fixin’s. We need other items.
If you are participating in Field Day from home be sure to list Longmont Amateur Radio Club on your log info so we can get credit for points and send me a copy of the log to Dick Paige, 4832 Silverleaf Ave., Firestone, CO 80504-5732. I will need your info by 7/10/22.
If you have kids or grandkids we can have up to 5 (under 18 years old) that make a contact for extra points. More can participate but only 5 will give us 100 extra points.
I would like to have volunteers for talk in on Saturday and Sunday mornings on our repeaters. You can do it from the Fairgrounds or from home. Call me if you wish to do this, 720-220-1931.
We will be using the club call, W0ENO. A reminder that you must operate on your own licensed frequencies, Generals, Advanced and Extra. Technicians too but if there is a higher class licensee they will be the control operator and using their privileges. Any unlicensed participants must not contact any DX stations except Canada, that is 3rd party and is illegal. The US has 3rd party agreements with other countries but I do not know which ones so play it smart and safe and just not allow 3rd party contacts.
It appears that conditions may be very good so let’s have a lot of fun this weekend!
Dick Paige, coordinator