Club Events

Second Chance for an Ed Fong discounted antenna!

In case you missed it or you just want additional antennas the Club will be placing a second order for discounted antennas from Ed Fong (our January General Meeting presenter).

Please fill out the form with what you are interested in. No money is due at this time. We will contact you prior to placing the order to confirm and make those arrangments.

You can see all the antennas and other equipment Ed offers on his website.

Everyone can participate, you DO NOT have to be a club member. Just fill out the form and let us know what you want.

We will be placing the order the first week in June so get your orders in by June 6th!

Chuck will be sending out invoices which will need to be paid prior to June 13th, at which time we will be placing the order.

Please fill out this FORM to Place your order.


Order form link: 


Feel free to contact Chuck (k0itp) or Mike (w0kki) with any questions


  • DBJ-1 dual band base antenna – available in HAM (144-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz) or Commercial (152-157 MHz and 460-470 MHz)  $32
  • DBJ-2  dual band roll up antenna –  available in HAM (144-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz) or Commercial (152-157 MHz and 460-470 MHz)  includes 6ft extension, BNC, SMA and SMA female adapter    $32
  • TBJ-1 triband base antenna 2mt/220 MHz/70 cm –- $65  – includes shipping with 6ft of pvc pipe. 
  • 6ft extensions cables (BNC male to  BNC female  $5
  • BNC – female to PL259 (adapter for roll up DBJ-2 to mobile or base) $2.50
  • GP5-SSB Software defined radio   $65

**there is a small fee for shipping in addition to the listed price depending on what you order.

Ed Fong Antenna Order

For our January General Meeting we had Ed Fong speak to us about how he builds antennas. During his presentation he mentioned that the club could place a discounted order for any of the items that they make. Quite a number of people stated they would like to order…Here is your chance!

Please fill out the form with what you are interested in. No money is due at this time. We will contact you prior to placing the order to confirm and make those arrangments.

You can see all the antennas and other equipment Ed offers on his website.

Everyone can participate, you DO NOT have to be a club member. Just fill out the form and let us know what you want.

We will be placing the order the first week in April so get your orders in by April 5th!

Please fill out this FORM to Place your order.


Order form link: 


Feel free to contact Chuck (k0itp) or Mike (w0kki) with any questions


  • DBJ-1 dual band base antenna – available in HAM (144-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz) or Commercial (152-157 MHz and 460-470 MHz)  $32
  • DBJ-2  dual band roll up antenna –  available in HAM (144-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz) or Commercial (152-157 MHz and 460-470 MHz)  includes 6ft extension, BNC, SMA and SMA female adapter    $32
  • TBJ-1 triband base antenna 2mt/220 MHz/70 cm –- $65  – includes shipping with 6ft of pvc pipe. 
  • 6ft extensions cables (BNC male to  BNC female  $5
  • BNC – female to PL259 (adapter for roll up DBJ-2 to mobile or base) $2.50
  • GP5-SSB Software defined radio   $65

Monthly POTA (Parks On The Air) Activation Starting 3/20

Come join us!

LARC will be holding a monthly POTA event to help current and prospective members get comfortable and proficient with using ham radio equipment. We will use this time to also train and certify club members on the Club’s Go-Box and antenna system. It is encouraged to bring your own gear if you have it, but the club will provide an HF and VHF/UHF radios (the Go-Box) for use during these events.

Times will be assigned for the go-box usage in 1hr time slots that you will need to sign up for. Dates and time are subject to change. Feel free to come early or stay late depending on your comfort level. 

All events will start at 9am MST.

To sign up and register in advance please submit this form so that we kow you are coming and can inform you of any changes.

For specific info on Parks On The Air go to:

This is an outdoor event please plan accordingly knowing that Colorado weather can change quickly and often.

For more information please email

Some of the locations that we will be visiting are:

  • Boyd Lake State Park
  • Rocky Flats Nation Wildlife Refuge
  • Barr Lake State Park
  • Eldorado Canyon State PArk
  • Cherry Creek State Park
  • Golden Gate State Park
  • Pawnee National Grassland
  • Rocky Mtn National Park

Download the current flyer with planned outings subject to change.

LARC – Ham Net Challenge

Are you up to it? I have a challenge for you. 

Below you will see a list with all the nets I was able to find on the web. 
I would like for you to help update, maybe attend one or many of these nets to see what they are like. 
The Goal: 
To create the best list of nets for the state of Colorado!!! Then I will post it on the website. 
For any corrections or additions please send the information to me.
I’m giving it 2-3 weeks to get this list as detailed as we can so we can publish it to the website. If you can reach nets in Wyoming add them as well. 
Thank you all for your help and support in this effort.
So get on the air and start enjoying the nets Colorado has to offer!
Current List:  (Updates as I get them) Download here

Join our LARC Net Thursday at 8pm

You are invited to join us on our weekly LARC Net Thursday evening at 8:00 pm on our VHF/UHF repeater(s), listed on the left.  Hope to hear you on the air!

RMHAM – Radio Programming with Chirp

Next TUESDAY, Jan. 19th, at 7:30pm Chris K0SWE is giving an RMHAM Tech Talk on Radio programming with CHIRP.CHIRP is an open source program for programming radios from most manufacturers. The talk will cover setting channels as well as other radio properties using Baofeng, Kenwood and Yaesu radios as examples.

This could be a good way of making sure your radio has not only your local ARES group’s channels programmed, but also neighboring districts which you may need to interoperate with.

To get the Zoom key and and password please sign up for the class at

As always these talks are free and will be available on the RMHAM web site afterwards.

73 -WillemAC0KQ


Get your children, grandchildren, & neighborhood kids on the air right NOW with Santa from 6-7 pm TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT (Fri & Sat) to talk to Santa & tell him what they want for Christmas!  (Or just to say hello to him!)

Active on our UHF/VHF repeaters now as well as on Echolink:

VHF:  147.270  +100

UHF:  448.800  -88.5

Echolnk:  W0ENO-R, Node/Station 8305


SANTA IS ON THE AIR all the way from the North Pole!! HO-HO-HO!! From 6-7 pm MDT time, tonight (12/3) and through Saturday, 12/5!   Get your kiddos, grandkiddos, neighborhood kids (masked, of course!) on the air with Santa to tell him what they want for Christmas! A licensed ham radio operator is required, & all contacts go through the LARC Repeaters on VHF at 147.270 MHz +100 or on UHF at 448.800 MHz -88.5.