
SKYWARN – Weather Spotter

For those amatuers interested in SKYWARN or CAST (Colorado all-Season Spotter Team) Weather Spotting

This url will take you to the current NOAA information and schedule of training for this year.

Click Here

JOTA Collage


Jamboree on the Air

JOTA Collage
Our first ever JOTA scout event was a success.  We had 5 scouts and one YL present.

About 11 club members stopped by.  Youth made contacts coast to coast.

— Doug A., KE0SI

New Repeater Antennas

Former repeater

The picture below represents the repeater antenna structure as it was initially installed on the Skyline water tank in 1978.

New coax and antennas were installed at the repeater site much more recently, possibly around 2008 or 2009.

New Repeater Antennas

More pictures can be seen here.




The January club presentation was done by W0DZ, the owner of dzkit


Brian mentioned that, apart from his own kits, he also carries Alpha-Delta antennas and switches, Kent keys, Outbacker antennas, Heil mics and ARRL publications at 10% below list. His area sales tax is only 3.7% and you can drive up to Loveland and pick it up and save shipping.

Web SDR Receiver

Chris, K8CRM pointed me to this very cool Web SDR Receiver in the Netherlands that is tunable from the web.

Also be sure to look at the actual hardware which is nothing more than a mixer. 



Cool HF Antenna for small spaces

Chris, K8CRM, brought my attention to this antenna. It seems to be very compact and is getting rave reviews on e-ham. As with all compact antennas, it is probably somewhat of a compromise and I would have liked to see radiation patterns and F/B ratio to know if it is worthwhile to mount it on a rotor.

As we all know, if you want a no-compromise HF antenna and have a checkbook and real estate to match, get a SteppIr.

K0RZ'a antennas with backup van

2001 ISS contact

LARC ARISS Contact Photos!

21 June 2001 – LARC provided the backup station for a contact with Jim Voss aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Bill Mc Caa (K0RZ) provided the primary station at his house. There was time for the ten students to ask two questions each.


K0RZ'a antennas with backup van

KØRZ’s antennas (on the roof) were used for the contact and the LARC van was backup.


The students meet the press

The students meet the press at Bill’s place (KØRZ).


Part of the crew

Part of the LARC crew, from left to right: Paul Berge KØDJV, Ray Warren KCØIUN, Brian Bowman KCØFSO, John Bowman WØLVQ. Paul was our Commander-In-Chief on the ISS project.

Bill gives one of the students the go ahead

Bill giving one of the students the go ahead. (Newspaper Photo, from Longmont Times Call)

Part of Bill's shack

Part of Bill’s Ham Shack

Operating position in van

A view of part of the operating position in the LARC van.