DX Operation – Jack Ciaccia
DX Operation
Presented by Jack Ciaccia at the LARC General meeting- April 2013
DX Operation
Presented by Jack Ciaccia at the LARC General meeting- April 2013
Digital ATV – Jim Andrews and Don Nelson presented – July 2015 General Meeting
FY 2014 – 2015
FY 2013-2014
LARC Equipment Inventory
Generally every Saturday at 7 a.m., a group of Amateurs will assemble at Grandpa’s in Berthoud. This is an informal gathering with no agenda of any kind. Checkout the attached mugs.
We also have a number of folks who like to sleep in a bit later and meet for breakfast around 8:00 am most Saturdays. Check the repeater around 7:30 to see where we are meeting on any particular Saturday. Probably the most frequented site is the Hidden Cafe near 9th and Main.
LARCFest 2013
Advance Table and Admission Sales
Click Here to Purchase Tables in Advance using PayPal (Broken link removed 4/19/2018 AD0TT)
Page to contain LA
RC Logos of various sizes
This page can be used to post items for sale as well as items that you might be looking to purchase.
Scroll to the bottom to see the new listings. Starting June 2020 items listed here will be deleted or renewed with comments, after 90 days.