
Community Service

Typical Community Service Activities

  • Boulder County Fair Parade
  • Halloween Parade
  • Longmont Triathalon
  • Holiday Lights Parade
  • Annual Longmont Turkey Trot
  • Annual Tour De Cure – Bicycle Race (racing for the Cure to Diabetes)  (moved to Parker in 2016)
  • City of Longmont Siren testing (1st Monday of each month from April thru August) (This activity ceased in 2017)


Checkout the Net Dialogue guide below for examples of how to participate in a controlled Net.


LARC Field Day

— We usually hold two field events each year —

1) Annual ARRL Field Day in June.  We operate a 24-hour Field Day from the (air-conditioned, bug free) clubhouse at the Izaak Walton Park in Longmont.  

2) We help celebrate the annual Boulder, Colorado, County Fair, with a Special Event Station at Thompson Park.  It is usually attended by a dozen club members who usually work about 75 stations the afternoon of the first Saturday in August .

 See PDF file at the bottom of this page.  The file is full of pictures from the 2017 event, contacts made, map of contacts, etc.  Enjoy.  PDF file created by Bryan, AF0W.


Repeater Information

Repeater Information


You will find two pages on the website with this same name. This one I envision to be a repository for any technical information about the repeater to be shared  with club members only. The other page is located under Club Activities in the main navigation panel. That page, as it currently exists seems to be pretty general information for public consumption, but feel free to take ownership of both of these pages and update them as you see fit. Please let me know when you hit any roadblocks and need additional permissions or have any other questions. I have been taking a lot of notes and am starting to feel a lot more comfortable in Drupal.  I know I’m only scratching the surface of what’s possible but I am slowly unraveling some of the secrets.
