
Club Activities

The Club’s monthly activities include a Board Meeting on the evening of the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to this board meeting, but it is usually attended only by the board. But if you want to have input, you are welcome.



This section of the site will house various administrative information, such as:


Business Cards, By-Laws, Club Archives, Secretary Files, Treasurer Files, Equipment List, Interesting Articles,

LARC Agreements (DOUs, MOUs, etc), LARC History, Lending Radios – Equipment and Tools,

Meeting Minutes, Technmical Files




General Information

This is the members only portion of this website and should be visible to logged in users only. These would be those folks who are current with their annual dues of $20 per year.

This area of the site is planned to be used to maintain club historical and administrative documents that are not of immediate value to the casual viewer of the site.

Documents may include:

  • Club Bylaws
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Treasury Reports
  • Club Roster
  • Equipment Inventory
  • Historical Splatters
  • Repeater Access Codes
  • Annual Insurance Forms
  • LARCFest contracts with Boulder County Fairgrounds
  • Other administrative documents

G5RV Antenna Build

Looking for pictures of this event if there are any…… Call Jerry  N0OUW

Solder Sniffers Activities

Solder Sniffer Activities

As a reminder, our normal meeting times for this group are the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM at the Clover Building (our normal meeting spot).

See you there………………Jerry

Click HERE for some recent Solder Sniffer Photos

Some of the suggestions for projects for this group include the following:

  • Resurrecting the Direction Finding equipment that the club owns(the club owns three doppler RDF units
  • Ray Warren has volunteered to sponsor a few sessions of microprocessor programing on the MSP430 development chip
  • Some club members have asked for some instruction and guidance on PSK 31 since building the SC1-6 kit a few months back
  • Jim has been looking into some build projects in support of ARES District 10 repeater activities
  • Jerry has been looking for simple amplification circuits to use to boost the volume on PC based audio when he finds an audio source too weak to power even AC powered external PC amp/speakers
  • Jerry also has the Club’s National NC-173 Receiver that could use some tuning up and tube checking to make it a desirable  unit for sale or other club use
  • Ray Rayburn has suggested a tutorial on Power
  • Jerry is aware that BCARES is planning to become more serious in its use of portable APRS units for emergency response. This could generate some build projects.  
  • Jerry is planning to build a couple fox hunting antennas of the tape measure variety for using in simple within the grounds fox hunting for future cub Scout Day Camp Activity stations.
  • Jerry has purchased a simple short range fox kit, also for future Cub Scout Day Camp activities
  • Jerry plans to build a simple RF Meter, also for future Cub Scout Day Camp activities
  • Jerry is also looking for ideas to safely demonstrate the Jacob ‘s ladder donated by Sebastian, also for potential Scouting events.
  • Jerry has built a small project called KD1JV Deluxe Tenna Dipper – simple device to determine whan an antenna is exactly 50 ohms for a particular frequency
  • Jerry has an interest in learning how to read schematics and Leonard has some ideas about free circuit modeling programs
  • Jerry has purchased a Raspberry PI computer and plans to play with it soon
  • At the LARCFest Paul Washa sold out all of his Aguino books – not sure what this is all about
  • Doug mentioned a desire to build a 20 meter loop for field day
  • A recent QST had a kit for building a keyer for use on VHF/UHF (code practice on a 2m meter net anyone?)
  • HF Digital Voice with FreeDV QST-April 2013
  • $60 Kit – Da Pimp – Battery Tester / desulfator / charger  (found a you tube video using this device to resurrect old Gel Cells)
  • How about the club building/purchasing an ATV transmitter to use for public service events   Jim Andrews site
  • How about the club building a 3-D Printer – I’ll bet we can design an object or two for the ham shack and sell them on the web site
  • Please feel free to add to add your comments, to this page, with additional ideas for projects ………………………..


The club owns two DF setups purchased a few years ago from Dave Sharp (KI0HG) and the club recently acquired an additional setup that was constructed by Sebastian (NS0W)

Recently the club was introduced to, and several members purchased, a MSP430 Launchpad Development Tool. This is an experimenter board that provides a USB-based development and experimenting tool that provides everything needed to launch your own MSP430 (TM) Value Line applications. This kit is still available for $4.30 from this website.  http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MSP430_LaunchPad_(MSP-EXP430G2)  So, if you are interested in learning about micro processor programming, these sessions might be for you.


LARC Field Day -2011

LARC Field Day – June 2011

A file with pictures is located at the end of this screen.  Scroll down to bottom and click on the link to a Word doc to see photo’s.  When I figure out how to move the link up here, I will do so.  Doug – ke0si


Attachment Size
LARC Field Day 2011.doc   REmoved broken link Aug 2020 Jerry N0OUW 2.69 MB

Misc Archive information

General Meeting Topics:


Feb.:  Ham radio applications available for Apple Computers.

Jan:   Discussion  and talk on Solar Panels




Month Presenter Topic
February Jeremy Haley, WG9T


  • Resistance & Reactance (capacitance/inductance) >>> Impedance /Reflection coefficient and SWR
  • Relation between impedance and reflection coefficient / Impedance mapped onto a polar graph
  • Constant resistance circles, constant reactance arcs (circles) / SWR circles, rotation along a 50-ohm transmission line
  • Open-source, cross-platform RF/Microwave software for learning/experimenting: QUCS http://qucs.sourceforge.net
  • Example impedance calculations at either end of the feedline / Impedances of an approximate 40 m dipole at 20 m and 17 m
  • Simple matching circuit calculation for the non-resonant 40 m dipole that could allow 17 m operation.
January Paul Berge, K0DJV

Amateur Radio at Microwave Frequencies: Hands-on equipment and concepts demonstration of getting on the air at UHF and above. “You will be surpised at how little it takes to get into microwaves. You can build a rig for less than $200.”

Example components:

  • discarded satellite TV dish / mixer (~$50) / stable frequency source module (~$50?)
  • power supply for freq. source module (requires -20V @ 1.5 amp) / Your existing VHF/UHF SSB transceiver for use as an IF section, or even a 10m rig could be used.

Concepts discussed and demonstrated:

  • rectangular waveguides vs. coaxial cables or twin-lead t-lines
  • polarization
  • near-field and far-field regions in the vicinity of an antenna or aperture
  • power units Watts, milliwatts, dBm, dB, orders of magnitude, signal levels
  • standing waves
  • reflective materials, lossy dielectric materials
  • cut-off freq. in waveguides
  • microwaves behaving like light rays
  • parabolic dish antennas with very high gain and small beam-width
  • interesting propagation effects/unexpected communication paths



Date Presenter Topic
October Rob KA8JBY

Space Weather and its affect on radio propagation. Rob is a Senior Master Sergeant in the United Sates Air Force assigned to Space Weather at NOAA. Rob recently relocated to Colorado from Dayton, Ohio (yes, he knows all about Hamvention).

Removed broken Link Aug 2020 Jerry N0OUW

Robert Steenburgh (KA8JBY) did the October presentation at the club. He wanted to share this solar hurricane with us.



Audio Engineering.
Ray’s company maintains the sound equipment for the US House & Senate chambers in Washington D.C.
Did you ever wonder how echoes are handled in stadiums? Come find out.

August Wayne – N0LEA

Digital modes and radio control with Ham Radio Deluxe (software)

Wayne Smith – N0LEA will present. More info about the software at: http://hrd.ham-radio.ch/

July Dave – AC7CS

Alternative power, including solar cells.

Dave has a cottage 15 miles from the nearest power.

Learn how Dave provides all his energy needs from solar cells & batteries, a small generator and propane.

These topics apply to Shack-in-a-Box phase IV.


July Dan KE7TU

Surprise presentation on the Hoover Dam. – ; (Broken Link Removed 3/9/20 N0OUW)

Dan was in town visiting his brother Jim (N0IRK) and agreed to show us where he works.

July Rich KB0ULB

Rich brought show & tell – a base station using an HT. Often times a new ham only has an HT as their first radio

June Jeremy WG9T

Field Day preparation: How to use the club’s new IC7000. Download the manual. Rmoved Broken Link 

Aug 2020 Jerry N0OUW

May Jamie Riggs
Paul K0DJV
Deep Space Exploration Society (DSES)
April Chris KC0VER Very Large Array – Radio Telescopes in New Mexico
March Ray W9LQM Messenger to planet Mercury mission
February Leonard KC0WOX Fiber Optics
January Ed KI0RU

Amateur Rockets and Radio watch this presentation.

Thanks Dan (W3ETA) for converting this presentation to a web format.


Date Presenter Topic
December Ray W9LQM

Christmas Party

Pirates in the Caribbean – BVI sailing

November Leonard KC0WOX Field trip to 911 call center
October Ray W9LQM Deep Space Network
September   Elections


August Larry W0QE Fox Hunting
July Gordon W0RUN P1 Expedition to Antarctic
June Bob WA2EKU Logging Software (Field Day)
May Chris KC0VER Circuit Simulation
April Vince KC0SZM Software Defined Radio
February Danny K9DS WiFi
January John KF0RQ Ham Radio in Cambodia


Date Presenter Topic
December Bob WA2EKU

Christmas Party

Tiger Cruise – US Navy

November Larry W0QE County Hunting

Sebastian NS0W

Chris K8CRM

900MHZ operation, radio modifications

LARCFest 2012

This is where we will publish information about the 2012 version of our annual LARCfest