

9/18/07 (5:00 pm MT)
Ward (K6CCH) was traveling through the area on highway 36 toward Estes Park (St. Vrain at mm15) when he came across a Mini Van that was down a 30ft embankment. One victim was trapped underneath the vehicle, there was another one outside the vehicle and 3 walking wounded. He then called Ray (W9LQM) who was monitoring the Longmont Repeater (147.270) to ask for help to get police, fire and medical on scene. Agencies responded from Lyons, Pinewood Springs, Longmont Emergency Unit, Air-Life, 911 (out of Greeley), Boulder County Sheriff and the Colorado State Patrol. Ed (KB0TVH) listened to the HAM, VHF and 800 frequencies while teaching a student – James. James then said that he was monitoring the Longmont Repeater 147.270 TO see if he could help.
Frequencies for call:
154.220 FIRE
153.785 Air-Life 911
154.415 red 3
155.145 GREEN
Submitted by Ed (KB0TVH)


2007 May 2nd Saturday – Field Day Practice – slide show

Field Day Practice!

We had a pretty good group out. Together we raised Ray’s (W9LQM) military surplus vertical for the first time (as opposed to the club’s G5RV). Ray bought it a couple years ago at LARC Fest but never got around to putting it up or trying it out. One thing we learned – a long section of PVC pipe gets pretty wobbly before it all comes crashing down!

The breakfast experiment (egg muffins & coffee) went well. Cheap & easy. What more could be asked for? The $1 donations covered nearly half of the cost – thanks (we’re saving for bigger things,..).

Next month we’ll try some more experiment (last time before Field Day). We should have the logging software installed on something and running. If we use that vertical again; use rebar for stakes and bring a mallet. Does anyone have a different breakfast idea?

This time (see April 2nd Saturday meeting) we had the key AND the repeater. So, it was opened up. Everyone took a look and said, “uh huh,… ?”.
There is speculation that it grew whiskers. But the guy with that theory had a “close shave” with another obligation and left early.
Jeremy (WG9T) is going to take a look at it on the bench with some test equipment.


Egg Muffins!!

Cheap & Easy
Boy Scouts couldn’t have done better.

 2007-05-2ndSat02  Leonard (KC0WOX) – demonstrating the receive part of the 20 meter
project kit.
Bob (WA2EKU)
2007-05-2ndSat03 Dean (W7HDR)
Ed (KI0RU)
Leonard (KC0WOX)
 2007-05-2ndSat04  Jeremy WG9T
Outside relaxing
2007-05-2ndSat05 So, how many Hams DOES it take to
raise an antenna?
2007-05-2ndSat07 Can we get a little cooperation here?

Next Time: rebar stakes and a
mallet should work much better.

 2007-05-2ndSat08  !! Success !!
 2007-05-2ndSat09  …the guys are the ground plane,…
2007-05-2ndSat10 PVC pipe will hold it up.
But, only so many sections,….
   …before it all comes crashing down.
Leonard (KC0WOX),
The walking wounded,…
…note, the big band-aid on the hand?
 2007-05-2ndSat12  Ed (KI0RU),
had the forethought to bring a first aid kit.
…must put on Field Day list!
2007-05-2ndSat14 Leonard (KC0WOX) with the receiver part of the 20 meter project on the air.
 2007-05-2ndSat15  Ed and Bob
waiting their turn,…
2007-05-2ndSat16 Doug and Ken
hogging it,…
 2007-05-2ndSat17  But, how can you argue with success?
full bellies,…
made some contacts,…
had a good time,…

…see y’all next month!!