

SANTA IS ON THE AIR all the way from the North Pole!! HO-HO-HO!! From 6-7 pm MDT time, tonight (12/3) and through Saturday, 12/5!   Get your kiddos, grandkiddos, neighborhood kids (masked, of course!) on the air with Santa to tell him what they want for Christmas! A licensed ham radio operator is required, & all contacts go through the LARC Repeaters on VHF at 147.270 MHz +100 or on UHF at 448.800 MHz -88.5.


SANTA IS ON THE AIR all the way from the North Pole!!

From 6-7pm MDT time, tonight (12/1) and through Saturday, 12/5!

Get your kiddos, grandkiddos, neighborhood kids (masked, of course!) on the air with Santa to tell him what they want for Christmas! A licensed ham radio operator is required, & all contacts go through the LARC Repeaters on VHF at 147.270 MHz +100 or on UHF at 448.800 MHz -88.5.

LARC Santa

to Dec. 5. The club is encouraging licensed ham radio operators to give their children
and grandchildr



en a chance to connect with Santa in a safe, distanced wa

Click Here to view the entire LARC Santa project article as published in the Times-Call.



Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served.  We honor and appreciate your service to our country!


Longmont Amateur Radio Club Press Release

LARC – Longmont Amateur Radio Club Press Release

[email protected]



Chuck Poch – K0ITP – LARC Board President

[email protected]



2020 On the Air with Santa — December 1 – 5, 2020, 6PM-7PM Mountain Time

Ham radio operators from the Longmont Amateur Radio Club in Longmont, Colorado will be giving other HAMS the opportunity for youngsters to talk to Santa. This will be done via the club’s repeaters at

VHF: 147.270 MHz (+) 100 Hz CTCSS tone
UHF: 448.800 MHz (-) 88.5 Hz CTCSS or
EchoLink: WØENO-R (node 8305)

During the event young and experienced can get on the air and talk to Santa. To participate all you need is a Ham Radio and a licensed operator.

Each night at 6PM Santa will get on the air and call out for hams to get on the air with him.

With Covid-19 and social distancing the LARC wanted to try to bring us a little closer and talk to Santa , since we probably will not be seeing him in person this year at Malls and such.

LARC is a non-profit community organization that is always trying to give back, since 1969.

LARC participates in parades, emergency events and in supporting the community anyway they can with additional communications means.

Join us for our LARC Thursday Night Net!

You are invited to join us for our weekly Thursday night club Net tomorrow, Thursday, at 8:00 pm.  You can find our repeater info on the left.  
Hope to hear you on the air!

LARC Meeting Videos

LARC Meeting Videos

**************       Page Under Construction     ***********

Using this page as a starting point for developing a method to provide access to LARC members to ZOOM virtual meetings via the website

Currently we have .MP4 files stored on a Google Docs shared Drive.  ( Chuck, Jerry, and others ?????   _______   ________ _______    have access to the drive.

Jerry is working to learn how to clean these file up a bit before publishing     Editing videos will be a new skill for Jerry   ( Working on it )

Chuck has advised that we can use You Tube as a platform for the videos …….. Will get more info on this from Chuck

Appears that the .mp4 file type is not currently allowed on the website directly .  I imagine the website would not support the capacity for videos anyway. Confirm with Larry

General Meeting Videos  (these are simple links to the original .MP4 files on the LARC Google Drive – Not yet cleaned up for publishing )

April           Members Sharing Ham Shack Details

May            FT-8  Don Lewis KE0EE

June           History of Amateur Radio – Jeff Ryan

July             Club Member Roundtable

August        Amanda  K1DDN

September    ARRL – Jeff Ryan   (Orig File 590 Mb)




The General Meeting will be held via Zoom starting at 6:30 PM.  See Zoom information below. Special guest speaker Bob Witte (K0NR) – “Having Fun With VHF”. Also check out his book  VHF, Summits and More: Having Fun With Ham Radio.

Please join us, and feel free to invite family and friends!

Topic: October 2020  General Meeting 

Time: Oct 21, 2020 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
To Join Zoom Meeting:  
Meeting ID: 925 7380 8040
Passcode: 318672
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,92573808040#,,,,,,0#,,318672# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92573808040#,,,,,,0#,,318672# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 925 7380 8040
Passcode: 318672
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abDmO38CNk

Calling ALL Members!

LARC Members – As a way to help your club grow, the board needs your help.

Please fill out the 2020 Annual Survey Click on the link and give us your thoughts as soon as possible!  It should only take about five minutes of your time.

Thank you & 73!

WEBFORM project testing

ZOOM project testing

Jerry’s 1st Form

Jerry’s 2nd Form

Jerry’s third form

Jerry’s 4th Form

Looks like a pretty simple process so far

Add content > Choose Webform > Create Form > Move items around > Save the Form > Copy the url of the Form 

Create a basic page that will use the form > Add the link of the form to text on the basic page > Publish the basic Page

User will select the link for the form and fill it out > NEXT between pages > SUBMIT on the final page 

Author of the form will open the form and click on RESULTS tab > This will provide a list of form responses >

Each of these responses can ve VIEWED EDITED or DELETED >

RESULTS tab leads to the folllowing types of analysis….


Creating the FORM 


TextField provides the user to enter some text

Radios and Check Boxes do not provide for any text entry    (be careful not to use both – text and Check Boxes)

       The OPTIONS Tab allows for editing each Radio or check box and the adding and deleting of individual items

The TEXTAREA provides a place for the form user to add freeform text     ie: like a comment

The Grid allows for a range of answer to multiple questions

GRANTS are only allowed after the webform is published

Permissions are found under PEOPLE