
Turkey with headphones

Turkey Day Net (HF)

I came across information about a “Turkey Day Net” on qrz.com (https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/turkey-day-net-tdn-2019.677706/).  If you want to get away from visiting relatives for a bit, perhaps try seeing if you can reach them!

Looks like they start at 1600 UTC (9am Mountain) and are on the following frequencies (+/- if already in use): 10m-28.450, 15m-21.310, 20m-14.245, 40m-7.200

They will be posting updates on the above URL, so check there for more info.

If you don’t have an HF radio, you can always try listening on one of the free web-based SDRs!  Check out https://sdr.hu/ and http://websdr.org/ for receivers located around the world.

You can also just try reaching out on the LARC repeaters (including via Echolink), to see if anyone’s around.

Happy Thanksgiving!


LARC Membership web page updated with ARRL Information

The LARC Membership Application area, on the website, now includes ARRL Membership information, including benefits of joining and links to access the forms.

The Membership Application item on the Navigation Panel has been updated to include information and links to explain the benefits of ARRL membership as well as the benefit to LARC if you apply or renew your ARRL Membership thru the club. 

The updates include pdf files that can be downloaded, as well as links to view the pdf documents on screen. Click Here 


Come to Our Club Meeting on Wed., Nov. 20th!

Our next general Club Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm on November 20th.  The presentation topic will be “Working Satelllites on the Cheap,” by Chuck (K0ITP) and Bryan (AF0W).

Our meeting format is as follows:

 6:30 pm  Social Time  — meet & greet, make friends, ask questions, share info

 7:00 pm  Meeting Starts with Introductions

 7:15 pm  Program

 8:15 pm  More Social Time

We’ve had great reviews about this new meeting format — join us, make new friends, see old friends, and learn something new along the way!  See you then.


LARC General Meeting, Weds., 10/16/19, at 6:30 pm

Our October General Membership meeting is on Wednesday, October 16 (this week), at 6:30 pm.

As we are starting a new format for our meetings, from 6:30 to 7:00 pm will be a social part, where you can visit with other club members, get to meet the newly-elected officers, ask an Elmer, and visit with your friends.  The actual presentation will begin on the dot at 7:00 pm, and will last until 8:00 pm.  From 8 pm to 9 pm, there will be more socializing of members.

This meeting is held at the Clover Building at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, at 9595 Nelson Road in Longmont.  Please refer to the map listed in the September meeting post.

The topics include a final quick update from Ron Schwartz (K2RAS), and a SOTA (Summits on the Air) presentation by James Cizek, (KI0KN).

Hope to see everyone at the meeting!


LARC General Meeting, Weds., 9/18, at 7:00 pm

Our September General Meeting is on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 7:00 pm.

It is held at the Clover Building of the Boulder County Fairgrounds at 9595 Neson Road, Longmont, 80501.  

At this meeting, we will hold quick election for officers for 2020, and then we will hear about the new microwave updgrades/enhancements that have been completed on our repeater.

Please join us whether you are a member or not — we’d love to have you!

ARCS – Reply Comments

I just filed my Reply Comments in RM-11829… they ARCS Initiative and Tyro License.

I have attached a copy hoping we can get it on our website in a prominent place.  When I get back from Iceland, I will put the LARC  and Ron Collins comments (and some others) in a package so we can get the on the website too.

All the comments for this proceeding can be viewed and downloaded on the FCC website.  An easy way to find them is to Google:  FCC RM-11829   they should appear.

gah, AD0WU

Click Here to access Gary’s full reply comments

Ham Radio / Boy Scout Net

Ham Radio / Boy Scout Net

Goerge Weber (KA0BSA) announced a newly established Denver Area net geared toward Ham Radio and Boy Scouts

The net meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 19:30 Hrs (7:30) on 449.450   103.5   

Thanks to RMRL (Rocky Mountain Radio Relay League) for the use of their repeater.

This repeater provides very wide coverage in the Denver and surrounding area from the top of Squaw Mountain.

If not already, there are plans for this repeater to be accessible by DMR, All-Star, Fusion, and other modes that will enable participation from all over the US and possilby the world.

Be sure to check it out………….   More Info Below

1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. The net is also carried on Allstar (46079), DMR Talkgroup 310847 (and RMRL DMR repeater 449.750 Time slot 1) and Fusion Room “DENVERSKYHUBLINK”.




Field Day is Coming Soon! Get Ready!

LARC will participate in the ARRL Field Day June 22 and 23rd.  Please sign up to help, and or drop by to observe or make contacts on the radio. 

Our annual Field Day Event is open to the public, and we encourage everyone to bring friends & relatives over to see what we’re doing and to join us!

Antenna setup begins at 9:30 am, and we get on the air at 12:00 noon, running for 24 hours in shifts through 12:00 noon on Sunday.

We usually have a digital station, a CW station, and of course several SSB stations.  Check out the Field Day link at the top of this page. 

A Fox Hunt will be starting at 1:30 pm, with starting times every half hour through 4:00 pm, to be finished at 4:30 pm. 

The cooking for a Bar-B-Q will begin at 5:00 pm.

For more information, click on the Field Day in the top menu bar, or go to https://w0eno.org/node/1708.