Field Day – 2016 – Longmont Amateur Radio Club-LARC

Field Day – 2016

r— We had two field events in 2016 —

1) Annual ARRL Field Day in June.  For 2016, we  once again, for the second year, operated a 24-hour Field Day from the (air-conditioned!) clubhouse at the Izaak Walton Park in Longmont on June 25th and 26th.  

2) We helped celebrate the 147th annual Boulder County Fair, with a Special Event Station at Thompson Park.  It was attended by a dozen club members who worked 75 stations the afternoon of August 6th.

 See PDF file at the bottom of this page.  The file is full of pictures from the event, contacts made, map of contacts, etc.  Enjoy.  Join us in 2017.

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