From the new President – by Starr Aldrich N0AES
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was at the general meeting on September 21st for the annual election of officers. The following people were elected for the 2016/2017 period: Starr Aldrich N0AES – President, Ron Schwartz K2RAS – Vice President, Pat Engstrom W1PGE – Secretary, Don Lewis KE0EE – Treasurer. I am looking forward to working with everyone in the upcoming year. The LARC Board now consists of the 4 above Officers of the club along with: Jerry Schmidt N0OUW – Past President, Doug Altman KE0SI – Planning Chair, Larry McGimsey AD0TT – Publicity Chair. We currently have 2 position open which are the Membership Committee Chairperson which is currently being done by Don Lewis KE0EE and the Technical Committee Chairperson which is currently being done by Ron Schwartz K2RAS. I would like to have someone come forward to volunteer for the 2 open committee Chairs. Please contact Don or Ron (or any board member) if you would be interested in helping out. Again, thanks to all members for supporting your club. Any idea’s for making the club better and more enjoyable to be a member of, please contact me by email at [email protected].
Starr Aldrich N0AES – LARC President