Call meeting to order: Bob WA2EKU, 7:02MT

Opening prayer: Millard Fairchild K5ZNF

Officer and Committee Reports

  • Secretary: Sebastian NS0W, No report.
  • Treasury: Dan W3ETA – Jeremy still reporting – Bob presented the report.
  • Membership Committee: Dean W6RFM,
  • Technical Committee: Jim N0XDA – Jim has not taken rptr in as yet. Shared on shack-in-the-box.
  • VE Testing: Jim N0XDA , will set up for 4th Sat.
  • Website: Jason – KC0MYJ – not present.
  • Publicity: Mary KC9APG – not present.
  • BCARES: Scott KC9APF –
  • Vice President: Bob WA2EKU,
  • President: Jeremy WG9T,

Presentation : Rob Steenburgh KA8JBY: Space Weather

New business: Discuss the opening prayer at board meeting.

Meeting adjourned: Bob, WA2EKU, 8:15 pm MT


  1. Vice President: Bob Dornan WA2EKU
  2. Secretary: Sebastian NS0W
  3. Membership: Dean Haney W6RFM
  4. Technical: Jim Walker N0XDA
  5. VE Testing: Jim Walker N0XDA
  6. Corey Hahn KD0BMN
  7. Dean Haney W6RFM
  8. Dean Rupert W7HDR
  9. Rob Steenburn KA8JBY
  10. Jim Pellouchoud N0IRK
  11. Bob Dornan WA2EKU
  12. Jim Walker N0XDA
  13. Courtney Bair
  14. Millard Fairchild K5ZNF
  15. Roland Kaiser
  16. Doug Altman KE0SI
  17. Jack Flory N0JPF
  18. Gary Bailey KA0ABK