Call meeting to order: Bob WA2EKU, 7:02MT
Opening prayer: Millard Fairchild K5ZNF
Officer and Committee Reports
- Secretary: Sebastian NS0W, No report.
- Treasury: Dan W3ETA – Jeremy still reporting – Bob presented the report.
- Membership Committee: Dean W6RFM,
- Technical Committee: Jim N0XDA – Jim has not taken rptr in as yet. Shared on shack-in-the-box.
- VE Testing: Jim N0XDA , will set up for 4th Sat.
- Website: Jason – KC0MYJ – not present.
- Publicity: Mary KC9APG – not present.
- BCARES: Scott KC9APF –
- Vice President: Bob WA2EKU,
- President: Jeremy WG9T,
Presentation : Rob Steenburgh KA8JBY: Space Weather
New business: Discuss the opening prayer at board meeting.
Meeting adjourned: Bob, WA2EKU, 8:15 pm MT
- Vice President: Bob Dornan WA2EKU
- Secretary: Sebastian NS0W
- Membership: Dean Haney W6RFM
- Technical: Jim Walker N0XDA
- VE Testing: Jim Walker N0XDA
- Corey Hahn KD0BMN
- Dean Haney W6RFM
- Dean Rupert W7HDR
- Rob Steenburn KA8JBY
- Jim Pellouchoud N0IRK
- Bob Dornan WA2EKU
- Jim Walker N0XDA
- Courtney Bair
- Millard Fairchild K5ZNF
- Roland Kaiser
- Doug Altman KE0SI
- Jack Flory N0JPF
- Gary Bailey KA0ABK