General Meeting Minutes – Feb 2011

LARC General Meeting – Feb 2011

Meeting was called to order by Jim Walker,
N0XDA, at 07:00 pm MT, 16 Feb 2011

Jim introduced Jack Ciacci (WM0G),
Assistant ARRL Colorado Section Manager and BARC President. Jack was providing
information about the 2011 annual ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention. This
year the convention will be held in Taos, New Mexico on August 5-7. He is
encouraging all clubs to publicize this event on club websites and nets and
provided some details on the convention activities.

door prizes were won this evening by Chris, Leonard, and Jim. Prizes included a
Ham Radio for Dummies book, a couple speakers and a microphone. Liam Chriswell
(KD0NIZ) was congratulated with a hearty round of applause for recently
obtaining his Technician Class license.


Patrick (AC0QE) provided a very interesting presentation on Amateur Radio
software that is currently available. In addition to his power point
presentation, he brought in key elements of his shack, including radios,
computer, and a ½ Wave 20 meter dipole antenna in order to show the various
connections, components, and demonstrated how much of the software actually


Look for a downloadable file of his PowerPoint presentation near the bottom of this page.


meeting ended with informal discussion among the club members and several folks
inspecting Paul’s setup and asking questions. There were several discussions
among the group about the status of clubs these days, the layout of the
LARCfest event and a number of folks were still there after 10 reminiscing
about past activities on DX etc. 


A  good time was had by all…………….


Attendees:   (20)


(N0XDA), Jerry (N0OUW), Paul (AC0QE), Duane (WD0EEM), Ray Rayburn (N1IUU),
Wayne(N0LEA),  Doug (KE0SI), Mark
(KD0GOC), Bobby (WA4ZSQ), Leonard (KC0WOX), Sebastian (NS0W), Randy (N0NMD), Shawn Chriswell
(KD0NFZ ), liam Chriswell (KD0NIZ), Larry Murphy (KC0GYU), Jack (WM0G), Millard
(K5ZNF), Dan Smith (KD0IQC), Chip (AB0XH), Bill (KG6CNL). 


contact Jerry,
[email protected]  with any corrections or additions to these

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