Great Presentations at QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Mar 25-26 – including mine at 1100 Sat!

Unlike LARC meetings where we attempt to have presentations that appeal to a wide range of interests, QSO Today offers a large number of presentations, each of a fairly narrow topic. You can sign up for some of the presentations that match your specific interests. Each presentation is 1/2 hour. You can move from session to session over time on Saturday and Sunday


I am giving a presentation at 11 AM Saturday “How to beg, borrow, buy and operate an old fashioned Novice CW Rig for 80, 40, and 15” It is mostly about the fun and the practical challenges of bringing simple old tube equipment back to operation. I hope it appeals to those who have a desire to understand the basic circuitry of a classic transmitter and receiver.

Hope to see you there!





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