Ham Radio / Boy Scout Net

Ham Radio / Boy Scout Net

Goerge Weber (KA0BSA) announced a newly established Denver Area net geared toward Ham Radio and Boy Scouts

The net meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 19:30 Hrs (7:30) on 449.450   103.5   

Thanks to RMRL (Rocky Mountain Radio Relay League) for the use of their repeater.

This repeater provides very wide coverage in the Denver and surrounding area from the top of Squaw Mountain.

If not already, there are plans for this repeater to be accessible by DMR, All-Star, Fusion, and other modes that will enable participation from all over the US and possilby the world.

Be sure to check it out………….   More Info Below

1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. The net is also carried on Allstar (46079), DMR Talkgroup 310847 (and RMRL DMR repeater 449.750 Time slot 1) and Fusion Room “DENVERSKYHUBLINK”.




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