Field Day 2014 – 24 hour volunteers needed
Saturday June 28th and Sunday June 29th
This year LARC will be holding a 24 hour field day.
We go on the air at 12:00pm on Saturday and finish our event at 12:00pm on Sunday the 29th.
Location is near the SW corner of 21st and Hoover. Parking will be near Don’s home at 2050 Falcon
Dr, Longmont. We will be located by the pond at the north end of the street, about 100 feet north from his home.
We will start equipment setup at 9:00am. We will need 7 people there to get the antennas up and again at take down the next day.
We are asking for 24 people to serve one three hour shift each, or some hams to work more than one shift. We would like two hams at each radio; one to talk; and one to log and keep notes.
To sign up,
or for more information, email Don,
ke0ee, at [email protected]