LARC General Meeting – January 2012
Meeting was called to order by Jim Walker, N0XDA, at 07:00 pm MT, 18 Jan 2012Jim had everyone introduce themselves around the room. We welcomed several new hams to the meeting tonite.
Jim also had a plug for our Solder Sniffers activity on the 2nd and 4th Saturday’s of each month. Currently we are working on the club’s three RDF units to get them all operational.
John Stransky (KF0RQ) gave us a great presentation on what it feels like to be ‘Rare’ DX over several vacation trips to Cambodia to visit his daughter and family who are missionaries in that country. While there he is typically only one of about 3 stations in country which affords him a lot of fun chatting with folks around the world who want to log that country. According to the spreadsheet he passed out that described his activity over a number of years, he really confirmed everything we read about in the news. Higher antennas are better. More power is better. Higher sunspot numbers are better. When conditions are right nothing else matters. Stepper IR’s are better, but folks who can afford them likely have the top of the line equipment in all the other categories as well.
Ray Warren brought in several items as door prizes which made the drawing process pretty easy tonite.
Attendees: (20)
Jim (N0XDA), Jerry (N0OUW), Paul (AC0QE), Nancy (AC0DC), , Duane (WD0EEM), Brad Brookes (N0UEC), Sebastian Wessels (NS0W), Bobby Foster (WA4ZSQ), Wayne (N0LEA), Ray (N1IUU), Joe Callahan (KC0JCC), John Stransky (KF0RQ), Tom Berlinger (K2FSU), Mark (KDOGOC) , Carlyn Stransky (N0NWT), Doug Altman KE0SI, Ray Warren (W9LQM), Tracy Davis (N3FT), Jack Ciaccia (WMOG), Low Warshawsky (K0ANS).
Please contact Jerry, [email protected] with any corrections or additions to these minutes……….’73