LARC General Meeting Minutes – May 2011
LARC General Meeting – May 2011
Meeting was called to order by Jim Walker, N0XDA, at 07:00 pm MT, 18 May 2011
Jim made mention of the Thursday Nite Net and invited everyone to participate when they can.
He also reminded everyone of the Saturday Morning breakfast get-to-gether at Aunt Alice’s restaurant in the Northwest corner. We order at 7:00 am and folks have been known to arrive earlier.
The Longmont Tri-athalon is coming up soon and we need volunteers to man a communication net that will support event sponsors to coordinate the various races. Mark Mollenauer (KD0GOC) is coordinating the event this year, so please contact him directly to volunteer. He can be reached at [email protected] or phone at 720-652-0305. The Saturday event will be the younger participants while Sunday will be the adult runners.Field Day is also coming at the end of June. On Saturday June 25th, we will a couple stations set up between noon and 6 PM. Doug Altman (KE0SI) will be coordinating this event and you can contact him at [email protected] or 303-776-1135 for more details.We have also been invited by the Estes Park club to signup for a shift or two as they man a full 24hr 2A station for field day. More information on how you can signup to participate with them on their website at
Jerry won one of the door prizes which was a 200 GB hard drive and the other prize was won by our guest for the evening, Louie Hernadez.
Jim also mentioned a walk for the Muscular Dystrophy foundation that is being sponsored by his Real Estate firm. Contact Jim (N0XDA) at [email protected] or 303-678-9748, for further details if you are interested.
Louie Hernandez was introduced and he gave us some details on a new program being offered by the Boy Scouts of America, called Venture Crews. There is an opportunity for LARC to officially sponsor a Ham Radio Venture Crew for this area if we can find 5 volunteers from the club that would act as advisors to the crew. More details will be coming later by e-mail. Sounds like this might be a good activity for the club that may generate new membership as well an opportunity to give back to the community with some of the skills we possess.
Doug Altman raised the question about the club building a G5RV antenna for Field Day and some discussion ensued about this being a project that can be done by the solder sniffer group over the next few weeks before the event. Jake Bertrand mentioned that he has access to a machine shop lab at CU that could be used to create the key component of the antenna.
Bill Honeyman (KG6CNL) gave us an update on the progress of acquiring and new computer for the repeater. Hope to see that acquisition to happen soon.
Jake Bertrand (KI6FCW) mentioned another resource available to ARRL members for all sorts of information available from the articles section of their website.
Jim closed the meeting at 8:10 PM and encouraged folks to stay and chat as long as they liked.
Attendees: (11)
Jim (N0XDA), Jerry (N0OUW), Paul (AC0QE), Nancy (AC0DC),Wayne(N0LEA), Doug (KE0SI), , Bill (KG6CNL), James Dennibeck (KC0GUC), Annette Dinnebeck, Jake Bertram ( ), Louie Hernandez (BSA Venture Crews)
Please contact Jerry, [email protected] with any corrections or additions to these minutes……….’73