LARC General Meeting – Nov 2010

General – 11/17/2010

Meeting was called to order by Jim Walker,
N0XDA, at 07:00 pm MT

Jim welcomed everyone to the November
general meeting with a brief history of the club and recounted some of the ups
and downs experienced over the years. The program for tonite was essentially a
brainstorming session to develop ideas that we could implement as a club to
draw in more members. The club has had a membership of over 200 or so in the
past and currently the we have 
approximately 37  confirmed

Before starting the evenings program we
had introductions all around since we noticed we had Dave Tipton (W5DMT) in
attendance for the first time. (he joined our club before the meeting was
over).  Dave hails from Denton Texas
currently and has lived for a time in Lexington Kentucky  and attended college in Dayton Ohio. These
facts no doubt contributed to his interest in Ham Radio.

Mark Mollenhauer (KD0GOC) announced that
we are looking for volunteers to help with the clubs next public service
activity coming up on Dec 11. We have been asked to operate a radio net to aid
in communication for the Longmont Holiday Parade and for a short time at
Roosevelt Park after the parade activities. If you can volunteer to assist with
this please contact Mark at for more details.

The grand prize (among several items
offered up for door prizes) went to our newest member, Dave

Brainstorming Discussion

The basic question on the table was “What
do we need to do as a club to attract new members?

Some of the suggestions that were raised

education outreach

Sniffer Projects 




in a Box

out to retired Hams in area nursing homes

Free University


After much discussion
we came away with a few ideas that may be worth try. Some of those include
tapping some of Dave’s experience in creating Tech and General Class license
classes. He said he has some good sources for training material that he would
be willing to share. He also volunteered to assist by being a member of a
publicity committee that really needs to be created. 

It was mentioned that for Solder Sniffers, we should designate a
definite  start and stop targets instead
of just scheduling a time that continues on for a while before fading away.



Jim adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M

There were 
13 folks in attendance at this month’s meeting.

Respectively submitted by Jerry (N0OUW),
Secretary. Please contact me with any additions or corrections to these minutes
via email at:   Thanks


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