We will be operational for Winter Field Day on January 25th, at the Clover Building at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm.  We’ll be setting up the antennas at 11:00 am.  There will be two-three radios there, including a Icom IC-7300 and an IC-7000, and we’ll be making as many contacts as we can during that time on HF.  If you’d like to try your hand on the radio to see how many contacts you can get (with Elmers/mentors there to show you how), or if you’d like to hang out and visit (quietly) with other hams there, please join us!

If you would like to have a specific half-hour long slot on one of these radios, plese send email to Doug, KE0SI.

For more information about Winter Field Day and to see the rules, go to: https://www.winterfieldday.com/.