LARC RDF Equipment

On Saturday, January 14th, the solder sniffer group got together and examined all three of the clubs Radio direction finding units. Chip Stewart (AB0XH), our Solder Sniffer leader located the two units that were in the possesion of Ray Warren (W9LQM) and we spread them out and examined them. They seemed to be in working order for the most part and we spent time checking them out and learning how they work. Now that we have thoroughly examined them and sorta kinda figured how to hook em up and make em work, we now have a good idea of the parts we need to procure and equipment we need to repair them and will probably tackle that task during the next event on January 28th. Same time, Same place.

Enjoy the pictures above

We had a good turnout for this event, including Chip, Jerry, Duane, Doshia, George, Jim. Paul, and Nancy


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