Meeting Minutes – Oct 2010 General Meeting

General – 10/20/2010

Meeting was called to order by Jim Walker, N0XDA, at
07:00 pm MT

Welcome was extended to everyone attending and some
introductions were in order with a new father and son team in attendance.
Welcome to Liam and Shawn Criswell.

Jim asked for volunteer VE’s to assist with license exams
for Shawn and Liam ether this Saturday or the very near future.

The position of Vice President remains open for the club
and anyone who would like to participate more and learn more about the club and
help with obtaining and organizing meeting presentations, is encouraged to
speak with Jim.

Please contact Mark Mollenauer (KD0GOC), our new club
treasurer, who replaces Dan Campbell (W3ETA) in this role is the person to see
about keeping your dues current.  Dues
are still just $20 per year and are payable at any time and will continue in
force for 1 calendar year from that date.

The door prize was won by yours truly. It was a neat
little pair of LED lights that clip to your glasses, to help you see where your
soldering tip is during those building projects.  Jerry is ‘on-the-hook’ for providing next
month’s door prize.

Alpha Power, a local company that manufactures linear
amplifiers, donated a T-shirt and a baseball cap that were won in the drawing
by Chris and Liam.

Mark reminded the members that the club is planning to
support the Longmont Halloween parade in downtown Longmont the morning of
Saturday, October 30th. All are welcome to participate and we will
meet at 9:00 A.M. at the Memorial Building in Roosevelt Park. The event is
scheduled to last no more than 2 hrs. and should be a lot of fun.

The club will also be providing supporting communication
for the annual Longmont Turkey Trot scheduled for November 13th. Keep that date
in mind and we will have more information soon for anyone who can help out with
this important event.

The program for the evening was a presentation /
discussion about WWV with Chip Stewart (AB0XH). He told us a lot about his time
spent working for NIST and the National Bureau of Standards. He had some
stories about things that happened while he worked there and had some pictures
of some of the gigantic antenna systems used to transmit those time signals
from Ft. Collins and more of the history behind it and some of the activities
from Boulder.  Anyone who would like more
information on that subject is encouraged to contact Chip and get some good
inside information.  I haven’t been that
deeply involved in Radio for the length of time chip and some other members of
the club have and was having trouble picturing some of the huge tubes that were
used to power those transmitters before solid state came along.  Thanks for a great presentation Chip and
we’ll be looking forward to learning about what you did with the FAA sometime.

Before Jim closed the meeting, he mentioned that the club
also has a need for a publicity chairman to help us keep our activities in
front of the public. He also invited everyone to participate in our weekly club
nets at 8:00 P.M every Thursday evening. There is no set agenda and everyone is
welcome to participate.

We were also reminded to use the repeater and remember
that it is there for your use especially now with auto-patch up and running and
the ability to hit this repeater from many places up in the mountains where
cell phones don’t always work very well.

Also, don’t forget our informal weekly breakfast
get-together at Aunt Alice’s restaurant on Saturday mornings.

Jim adjourned the meeting at 8:50 P.M

There were 17 folks in attendance at this month’s

Respectively submitted by Jerry (N0OUW), Secretary. Please
contact me with any additions or corrections to these minutes via email at:   Thanks

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