LARC History

Anything to do with LARC history

LARC General Meeting TONIGHT, 5/18 @ 7pm

LARC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting this evening, Wednesday, May 18th. Social time starts at 6:30 pm, with the meeting happening at 7pm.

Guest Speaker 
Desiree M. Baccus (KM6CTR) – Nasa on the Air 

Join Zoom Meeting

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Jerry’s Page #2

Jerry’s Page (N0OUW)

As a past president, and still an active member of LARC, one of the things I like to do is to help with keeping this website as current and relevant as possible. I also have a keen interest in history and I like to keep records concerning the history of the club. Towards that end, I continue to periodically review the website and try to ensure that any and all pertinent information about the club is stored on this website for future members to research.

Please feel free to comment on this page with ideas and suggestions for improvement for this site.

Enjoy………..  ’73  Jerry (NØOUW)  

One of my favorite things to do is to learn about the history of the club. When I reactivated my membership in LARC, after retiring from IBM in 2010, I very quickly became the club secretary. While performing that role as well as becoming active with the annual Hamfest fund raising activity, I started to research the clubs origins. I began by going through older Club secretary binders and Splatters to learn what I could about the early days of the club.

After some fits and starts, details of which I may share later, I produced a timeline of the club and began adding to it every time I was able to find some new information. Over time this has grown to the current document that can be found at the following link.

LARC History Timeline

Various interesting links that I have come across

A vintage Amateur Radio film clip – Featuring Arthur Godfrey, Barry Goldwater, Dick Van Dyke and others…..

The Three Stooges and Morse Code

Local Hackerspace – Eyes on Longmont

Recent MSNBC Clip – about Ham Radio and Emergency Services in Hawaii

Achievement in Radio – This 800 page book covers 70 years of Radio Science Technology and Standards and Measurement at the National Bureau of Standards. It is literally the history of Radio and the history of NIST and NOAA, right here in Boulder County.

Public Relations Tips from the Pros – Shared from the ARRL PR mailing list

Club Roster

The club maintains a ‘Database’ of club members in several forms.
Jerry Schmidt, N0OUW, maintains a simple spreadsheet that has a history of former and current members along with other bits of information that is not easily maintained within the website database, such as Silent Keys, addresses, Boulder County Residency, ARRL and AES affiliations, Family Members etc.


K0ITP is at it again!!

Has anyone ever found a place to get a list of Satellites that go overhead here in Colorado? I haven’t!

So what I have done is created a list for you and me to use to track Satellites. If you see any errors or additions please contact me at [email protected]

Check back ever so often for updaes to the list. 



Available here for Download in PDF fromat. 

If you would like a copy in XLS or other format please contact me.


Thanks and Enjoy,


Chuck Poch – K0ITP

Our Mission

The goals and mission of LARC are aligned with the tenets set forth in the Basis and Purpose of the FCC part 97 Amateur Radio Service:

  • Subpart A–General Provisions

    §97.1 Basis and purpose.
    The rules and regulations in this Part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles:

    (a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

    (b) Continuation and extension of the amateur’s proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art.

    (c) Encouragement and improvement of the amateur service through rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communications and technical phases of the art.

    (d) Expansion of the existing reservoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts.

    (e) Continuation and extension of the amateur’s unique ability to enhance international goodwill.

  • Bylaws Provisions

    The Club is organized for educational and scientific purposes and to provide public communication services to the local community and adjacent areas through the operation of Amateur Radio. The Club shall hold regular meetings for the business of the Club, for the presentation of papers, amateur radio topics and their discussion.

Join Us

Become a LARC member!

Whether or not you are an Amateur Radio Operator now, the Longmont Amateur Radio Club invites you to join our club.

If you do not understand how it benefits you, please check out “Our Mission” and “About LARC”. We believe at $20 per year membership fee, it is a bargain.

We encourage you to come to a general meeting and sign up with our Treasurer (Check Upcoming Events on the calendar for the next General Meeting). Print out the application below, fill it in and bring it with you.


Print out the membership application attachment below and mail it in to LARC, PO Box 86, Longmont, CO 80502 with a check for your membership fee. 

Or if renewing, 

You can also click on the PayPal button and pay your membership dues using your favorite credit card, online


  • Memberships are good for one year from the date of application. 
  • Renewing members should renew 30 days before their membership expires.

Click Here for information about joining the ARRL as well.