Kathleen "Kat" Gonderinger

Join Us for our Tuesday Night Hamlet Net!

Join Us for our Tuesday Night Hamlet Net!

Our Hamlet Net is an educational net that’s geared for newbies to the hobby, and everyone else too!

You are invited to join us on our repeaters at 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm every Tuesday evening to check in, listen to an educational presentation, give your comments and/or opinions, and ask questions. We hope to hear you on the air!

PVET VE Exam Session this Sunday, 1/16/22

PVET VE Exam Session this Sunday, 1/16/22

LARC is sponsoring a FREE VE Exam Session this coming Sunday, January 16th, at 9:00 am, at the Professional Building at 350 Terry Street, Longmont, 80501.

You may bring a laptop or tablet to take your test on. Paper exams are available as well if desired.

To register for this exam session, go to hamstudy.org/sessions/w0pct. If this session fills up, another will be added.

Masks are required in this building.